The importance of clean water. Infections with water transmission. Old diseases of the modern world.

28 may, 2024

On May 27, a seminar on the “Sustainable Development Goals” (№6-Clean water and sanitation)  was succesfully held for students of group 22-01,22-03, 22-04 (autumn) kazakh groups, 22-01, russian group students (autumn) by teachers of the microbiology Sharipova M.S., Zhaktaeva G.M. and teacher of immunopathology, professor Kulniyazova G.M.
During the seminar “The importance of clean water. Infections with water transmission. Old diseases of the modern world."  discussed the importance of clean water and the fact that microbiological contamination of drinking water is a factor in the spread of diseases such as cholera, dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, amoebiasis and polio.
According to the World Health Organization, diarrhea kills about 505,000 people every year. This important information aroused great interest among students and they actively participated in the discussion.


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