“Modern Trends in the Development of the Research University”

25 february, 2024

February 21-22, 2024 at KazNU named after. Al Farabi held the International Conference “Modern Trends in the Development of the Research University”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the University. The topics of speeches and reports were varied, but in general they were devoted to the use of artificial intelligence in research and scientific work, the search for new forms of teaching, and the emphasis was also placed on improving the implemented inclusive education. I took for myself the fact that when working with artificial intelligence, it is necessary to remember that in some cases the use of generated text can be counted as plagiarism; I would also note as interesting from the reports the demonstration of Case Studies /3/ prepared as an example on inclusive education.

Teacher at the Department of Politics

and healthcare organizations                                     K. Baymaganbetova

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