Peace, justice and effective institutions

29 may, 2024

On May 4, 2024, at the initiative of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the UN Sustainable Development Goals Accelerator was launched. Within the framework of this project, seven teams have started working in different areas of the UN SDGs.
Three teams were formed in the direction of SDG 16 "Peace, justice and effective institutions". The work of the project group in the direction of TDM 16 "Quality of laws" is conducted under the leadership of the deputy of the Senate M. Kadyrbek. In this regard, on May 24, 2024, at Narkhoz University, with the participation of representatives of the law faculties of higher educational institutions of Almaty, a meeting was held with the head of the project team in the field of "Quality of laws" within the framework of TDM 16, Abiirbek Sauryk.
The event was attended by teachers of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylaikhan, KIMEP University, Narkhoz University, D.A. Konaev Eurasian Law Academy, Caspian Public University, Almaty University of Management. In particular, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Professor Sabikenov S.N., Doctor of Law, Professor Aitozhin K.K., Doctor of Law, Professor Mukhamedzhanov E.B., Doctor of Law, Professor Ibraeva A.S., Doctor of Law, Professor Baymakhanova D.M., D.yu.n., professor Alibayeva G.A., D.yu.n., Professor Aidarbayev S.Zh., Ph.D., Associate Professor Abaydeldinov T.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor Mynbatyrova N.K., Ph.D., Associate Professor Aldashev S.M., K.yu.n., associate Professor Ryskaliev D.U., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Klimkin S.I., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Dzhetibaev N.S., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Kalimbekova A.R., etc.
During the meeting, legal scholars shared their thoughts on the obstacles to ensuring the quality of legislation and their causes, ways to ensure citizens' access to information and the possibility of participation of all stakeholders in lawmaking, the direct link between the quality of laws and legal education in higher education institutions, and recommendations for improving the legislative framework were proposed.
The participants of the meeting noted that such events contribute to improving the quality of laws and expressed gratitude to the organizers of this event.

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