Graduates and activists of the Faculty of International Relations took part in the Diplomatic ball

30 may, 2024

As part of the public initiative “Goodwill (AqNiet) Initiative”, a gala event was held on May 21, 2024 - the student diplomatic ball “Printemps diplomatique/Дипломатиялық көктем” for graduates - excellent students of the International Relations specialty of Almaty Universities.
The ball is dedicated to the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development proclaimed by the UN General Assembly. The faculty management head by the Dean of the faculty of International relations, head of the International Relations and World Economy Chair, activists of the Academic regional resource center for information about the UN at the Faculty of International Relations of KazNU as well as graduates attended the event.

Delovarova Leila Fedorovna, Dean of the Faculty of  International Relations. 
Sakenova Ayazhan, Aytore Balnur, students of the FIR