Round Table Discussion at Taraz University of Innovation and Humanities

3 june, 2024

On June 3-4, 2024, Sherkhan Murtaza International Taraz Innovation Institute  hosted an international round table discussion on the topic: "Scientific Heritage and Contemporary Relevance of Academician Amanzholov Altai Sarsenovich". The event was  dedicated to   the 90th anniversary of the outstanding  academician. The second day focused on the  discussion devoted to  "Lexicographic System of Phraseological UnitCommon for  Turkic Languages” moderated by   Professor Avakova R. A.  within the framework of  grant project AP19675130  aimed at developing a comprehensive lexicon of common phraseological units in Turkic languages. The round table discussion  included the  introductory discussions with Taraz colleagues on the project's technical details.  The presentations were made  by the  project manager,  Avakova R. A. and team members,  Kudyarova Sh. T., Bektemirova S., and Zhukiyeva M. B. The event was very informative.

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