The Round Table discussed the implementation of ESG principles
SDG-12 Responsible consumption and production: OnJune 19, 2024, the Round Table “ESG commitment tobusiness: current trends and challenges of the new day” washeld. The round table was organized by the Civil Alliance ofAlmaty together with the Management Department (HSEB)and the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken".
The meeting was aimed at discussing the issues ofadapting business to the implementation and adoptation ofESG principles, the role of civil society in the implementationof sustainable development goals and the need for governmentsupport for the implementation of ESG.
As part of the round table, a presentation of the “ESG Guidebook” for business was held, prepared within theframework of the project “The Triune Concept of Sustainable Development (ESG): business interests in the context of balanced regional development” - AR19678012 Committee ofMSHE RK. Project manager – Professor of ManagementDepartment, Doctor of Economics Adambekova A.A. "ESG Guidebook" is intended for entrepreneurs, managers of publicand private companies and organizations interested inimplementing ESG principles in the activities of theircompanies.
The purpose of the publication is to increase businessawareness of ESG principles and ESG literacy, and tocontribute to strengthening the involvement of companies andorganizations in the process of sustainable development. “ESG Guidebook” consists of three sections: an overview ofESG from the point of its essence, the role, standards andratings, as well as national aspects of ESG from the point ofglobal and regional trends, issues of practical implementationfrom the point of view of ESG management.