Excursion for participants of the summer school “1st SSP-PE-2024”

25 june, 2024

On June 22 and 23, 2024, as part of the summer school program “Environmental Protection - 2024” of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences for participants from Xinjiang University (Urumqi, China), the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism organized a city thematic tour of Almaty and an excursion trip at the Sharyn State National Natural Park. On Saturday, June 22, the participants of the summer school were able to get acquainted with the main attractions of the city, visited the Shymbulak ski resort, the Medeo sports complex, the park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen, and the Green Bazaar.

During the trip, the participants listened to a brief history of the city, examined the main tourist sites, rode a cable car to the highest point of the pass, the last point of visit was the Green Bazaar. Sunday, June 23, with the assistance of a professional guide, a field natural history excursion to the Sharyn State National Natural Park with a visit to the tourist attraction “Valley of Castles” and a visit to the “Visit center Sharyn” was organized for the participants and guests of the faculty. Off-site catering was organized for the guests; if desired, participants could try national cuisine at the “Tary” establishment. In general, the participants of the summer school liked the two-day excursion; they were delighted with the natural beauty of Kazakhstan, learned a lot of interesting things about Almaty, and positively assessed the excursion program of our university.