A scholar, a teacher, a mentor

27 june, 2024

On May 31, 85 years to the remarkable teacher, honored worker of higher school, Professor Gulzhanet Zhansultanovna Valikhanova. Professor Valikhanova G.Zh. graduated from the Faculty of Biology of S.M.Kirov KazSU in 1961.

Having finished postgraduate studies at the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants of A.A.Zhdanov Leningrad State University and defended her PhD thesis in 1966, she continued her scientific activities in the Laboratory of Biochemistry of the Institute of Botany under the guidance of L.K.Klyshev, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the KazSSR. Gulzhanet Zhansultanovna taught at the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants, Faculty of Biology, KazSU for more than 40 years, starting as a senior lecturer (1971-1981) and then as an associate professor of the department (1981-1998). In 1989-1990. G.J.Valikhanova headed the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants of KazSU. In 1998, having received the academic title of professor, she continued her teaching and educational-methodical activities at the Department of Biotechnology of Al-Farabi KazNU.
Gulzhanet Zhansultanovna Valikhanova was born in 1939 in Tashkent. Almost all of her life is connected with the Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov (ны ны ны. S.M.Kirov (now Al-Farabi KazNU). From 1956-1961 she studied at the Faculty of Biology, at the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants. After graduation from KazSU in 1961 by the direction of the Academic Council of the Faculty G.J.Valikhanova entered the postgraduate program at the Leningrad State University named after A.A.Zhdanov. A.A.Zhdanov at the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants. Since January 1966, she began to work as a junior researcher in the laboratory of biochemistry of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. Since 1971 Gulzhanet Zhansultanovna worked as a senior lecturer and then as an associate professor at KazSU. Former teachers became her colleagues who helped with friendly advice and support.
For many years G.J.Valikhanova read the general course "Plant Physiology", a number of physiological special courses, supervised theses and master's theses. Since 1982 she began to read a special course "Cell Culture and Plant Biotechnology" and for the first time to conduct a workshop on her program, because in other universities of the USSR such a special course was not taught at that time. In time it grew into a general course "Plant Biotechnology" and she wrote the original textbook "Plant Biotechnology". Having won the contest of textbooks and educational-methodical literature held by the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation in 1995, it was published in 1000 copies at the expense of the Foundation and sent to higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a training grant. The similar textbook in Kazakh language was published in 2001 in the Publishing House "Kazak University" and its second supplemented edition was published in 2009. The high quality and demand for these textbooks is evidenced by the fact that they are constantly reprinted by order of universities of the country. G.J.Valikhanova successfully combined scientific and methodical work and made a significant contribution to the development of plant biotechnology - a priority area of science. She introduced into the educational process the results of scientific work carried out at the department and in the institutions of NCB RK, about the works of which she is well informed, opposing candidate's theses, as well as supervising the graduate works of students, carried out on their basis. G.J.Valikhanova for many years being a member and chairman of the Method Bureau of the faculty, actively conducted educational and methodical work in the team, developing standard and working curricula, standard training programs, reviewing curricula of universities, was the first chairman of the RUMS section on biotechnology.
G.J.Valikhanova is the author of more than 90 scientific works, among which, in addition to textbooks, 4 manuals, Russian-Kazakh dictionary of terms on plant biotechnology, a collection of test tasks on plant physiology, a number of educational and methodical developments on plant physiology and biotechnology, and model curricula, is a co-author of the State Educational Standards for Bachelor's and Master's degree in biotechnology. The time of work at the faculty and department coincided with the formation of the science of plant biotechnology in Kazakhstan, and the development, organization of educational and methodological part of teaching this discipline in the country fell to her share, and is one of the merits. Methodical contribution of Gulzhanet Zhansultanovna to the development of the faculty is invaluable. Your name is forever inscribed in its history!
At present Gulzhanet Zhansultanovna is on a well-deserved rest. Despite this, she continues her work on supplementing, updating and reprinting textbooks at the request of universities and publishing houses, as well as writing books about the history of her great family. We are grateful to fate for having studied with you and worked with you! You have always been and are an example of a strong, noble personality, a man of high culture and decency! Your remarkable qualities: high erudition, diligence, devotion to your work, intelligence and sensitivity in communication with people, the ability to respect colleagues, to love your students and be partial to them, and at the same time, to be strict and demanding in work and study - have earned you well-deserved universal respect. Due to your high personal qualities you personify for us an example of what a real teacher of higher school should be, to whom the society can entrust education and upbringing of youth! Let me express my deep respect for you as a teacher "with a capital letter" and just a wonderful, amazingly charming person, radiating a lot of goodness and positive energy!

The staff of the Department of Biotechnology and students

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