Meeting of the program participants with the office of the akim of Beineu district

29 june, 2024

As part of the expedition on the megaproject BR21882122, the participants met with the office of the akim of the Beineu district. During which the physical and geographical location of the territory and the main problems associated with land degradation were discussed. Akim of the district R.S. Shalbayev outlined the difficulties of farming on the territory.


Mangystau region, Beineu village.

The climate of the Mangystau region is sharply continental, extremely arid. There is very little precipitation. The maximum precipitation falls during the cold season. The unfavorable factors of the region's climate include spring and summer droughts, strong winds, which causes soil erosion. These natural conditions prevent the rapid restoration of equilibrium.

In terms of soil geography, the territory of the district is located in the subzone of the northern deserts, the zonal soil subtype of which is brown desert soils. Zonal soils form, as a rule, stable complexes with desert salt flats.

The area is composed of a complex of Jurassic-Cretaceous rocks overlain from the surface by a small cloak of Neogene deposits. The soil-forming rocks are weakly and strongly gravelly loams, underlain by limestones at a depth of 1.0-1.5 m. The latter, on positive landforms (especially often in the coastal part), come to the daytime surface.


The soil-forming rocks are gravelly loams (light and medium), underlain by bedrock debris. The thickness of the fine–grained layer usually does not exceed 35-40 cm. The vegetation cover is sparse (the projective cover is 25-30%) and consists of white and gray wormwood, tasbyurgun, biyurgun, mortuk, itsegek with the participation of yerkek, tersken, volosatik's feather grass, etc. In the territory of the region, the most common desert-steppe and desert saline and salt marsh small and medium salt flats of sulfate-chloride and chloride-sulfate salinity. Salt flats, like many other intrazonal soils, have the characteristics and properties inherent in this zone.


Almost constant winds, 90 days a year are characterized by strong winds. In winter, winds from the east and north-east directions prevail, in summer from the north and north-west. With winds of more than 10-12 m/s, dust storms occur 5-6 times a month.

The aridity of the climate, large amplitudes of fluctuations in seasonal and daily temperatures, a sharp lack of moisture combined with high evaporation – all this determines the formation of vegetation characteristic of semi-deserts.