Opportunities for young university graduates

25 july, 2024

In a world where academic qualifications often face scrutiny against professional experience, KazNU Profile School dared to challenge conventions. It's where my journey began as the lone bachelor's degree specialist amidst a cohort of seasoned professionals. This unprecedented opportunity extended by KazNU Profile School not only affirmed my capabilities but also became the cornerstone of my professional growth and development.

At a time when it is increasingly difficult for young university graduates to find a first job to gain experience, it is very important that organizations, which have declared themselves among the most advanced in their field, provide opportunities for young graduates. In 2022, being only a newly graduated specialist of the Kazakh University of International Relations and Foreign Languages named after Abylai Khan, the Profile School gave me a great opportunity to develop and gain experience in my professional activities. Now, I am a teacher of the subject "English" for students of a KazNU Profile School.

KazNU Profile School's commitment to professional development was unparalleled. The institution provided ample opportunities for me to expand my skills through workshops, seminars, and access to cutting-edge resources. This investment in my growth not only enhanced my teaching abilities but also instilled in me a sense of confidence to navigate the evolving landscape of education.

Moreover, the collaborative culture at facilitated cross-disciplinary engagements. Working alongside educators from various fields enriched my understanding of holistic education, allowing me to integrate interdisciplinary approaches into my English Language curriculum.

KazNU Profile School didn't confine its support to the classroom alone; they recognized the importance of community engagement and encouraged participation in extracurricular activities. Cinsequently, I am experiencing a role of a grade mentor. This very role gave me loads of opportunities. Being a mentor is more than just guiding students academically; it involves fostering personal growth, offering support, and serving as a role model. These opportunities fostered connections beyond the academic realm, enriching the overall educational experience for my students and me.

Reflecting on my tenure at KazNU Profile School fills me with immense gratitude for an institution that not only recognized my expertise as a bachelor's degree specialist but also provided an environment conducive to my growth and professional fulfillment. Their commitment to nurturing talent, embracing diversity, and fostering innovation has been the cornerstone of my journey as an English language educator.

As I continue to evolve in my profession, I carry with me the invaluable experiences and support that KazNU Profile School bestowed upon me. My journey at profile School stands as a testament to their visionary approach in fostering an environment where individual expertise is celebrated, and opportunities for growth are boundless.

Twelve years ago, the school began its work on the university campus and stepped in as a place of training and education of future leaders. It`s idea consisted of the task of giving children the opportunity to have a quality education that will help them succeed in life. The main task has been fulfilled, and today the Profile School has become an important part of the educational landscape of Kazakhstan.


English language teacher of KazNU Profile School

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