The most popular online course

19 september, 2024

The teachers of the Department of Economics, in particular, the head of the department, acting professor Daulieva G.R., senior lecturer Nurmanova B.Z., associate professor Andabaeva G.K., senior lecturer Esengeldieva G.T., senior lecturer Tabeev T.P. prepared an online course "Entrepreneurship" in Kazakh in 2023 and published it on the platform.

The online course "Entrepreneurship" provides all the necessary information for creating and successfully running a business. It starts with the basics of entrepreneurship, reveals the main qualities and role of an entrepreneur. The course will help you develop a business idea and create a business plan, including financial planning and strategies. The online course includes interviews with famous entrepreneurs. The online course significantly contributes to achieving sustainable development goals, such as quality education and promoting educational opportunities.