Cleanup Day at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
On September 14, the Mechanics and Mathematics Department held a clean-up event aimed at cleaning and beautifying the university campus. The clean-up was actively participated in by both students and faculty members of the department.
This event was not only about maintaining order but also demonstrated a commitment to environmental responsibility. Department members took part in this important initiative, supporting international efforts for ecological protection and sustainable development. The clean-up contributed to achieving the 15th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — "Life on Land," aimed at conserving biodiversity and ensuring the harmonious coexistence of ecosystems with urbanization.
The department actively promotes the values of ecological responsibility among students and faculty, emphasizing the importance of protecting the environment. The clean-up of the university grounds served as a vivid example of this approach, with each participant contributing to the maintenance of campus cleanliness.
The department plans to continue participating in such initiatives and to actively involve students and staff in important ecological projects focused on conserving natural resources and protecting ecosystems.
B. Akhmetova
Deputy Head of the Department Mechanics on scientific-innovation work & international links affairs, PhD