Lecture on the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism
On October 28, 2024, the first-year students of High School of Economy and Business majoring in Logistics was delivered a lecture on the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism. The event was organized by the senior lecturer of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature, PhD Kakisheva Nurzada within the framework of SDG-16 "Peace. Justice and effective institutions."
A member of the information and explanatory group, lecturer of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Borbasova Karlygash Moldagalievna spoke at the meeting.
The students were told about the signs of destructive religious movements, methods of disseminating extremist ideas, and the relationship between national and religious values.
The expert noted the importance of raising the general culture and education of the population, including legal awareness, the establishment of tolerant traditions in the family and society to ensure interfaith peace and harmony. During the event, slides were shown with statistical data on victims of terrorism, examples of recruitment methods and ways to counter it were given, and participants received answers to their questions. This event was held at the proper level, and the audience was satisfied.
2024 жылдың 28 қазанында Экономика және Бизнес жоғары мектебінің «Логистика» мамандығының 1 курс студенттері «Діни экстремизм мен терроризмнің алдын алу» тақырыбында дәріс оқыды. Шараны орыс филологиясы және әлем әдебиеті кафедрасының аға оқытушысы, ф.ғ.к. Кәкішева Нұрзада Тұрсынбекқызы ТДМ-16 «Әлем. Әділет және тиімді институттар» шеңберінде ұйымдастырды.