Development of Micro-Qualifications at the Present Stage
On November 21-22, 2024, al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted a seminar organized within the framework of the international project ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE "Land Management, Environment & SoLId-WastE: inside education and business in Central Asia" (LESLIE). The event, initiated by the UNESCO Departments of Sustainable Development, Thermophysics and Technical Physics, brought together experts, teachers and students to discuss ways to introduce micro-qualifications in the field of land management in Central Asia.
The seminar brought together business representatives, teachers, researchers, undergraduates of KazNU and ENU, doctoral students and everyone who is interested in building an environmentally sustainable future.
The seminar was attended by Coordinator of the National Office of Erasmus+ in Kazakhstan Paluanova L.K.; Professor Javier Rodrigo Ilarri (Polytechnic University of Valencia); First Vice-rector of Astana IT University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Omirbaev S.M.; PhD, Associate Professor of Kokshetau University named after Shokan Ualikhanov Nurmukhanbetova N.N.; ecotreneur, eco-activist, founder of Darmark Almaty, member of the Recycle team BIRGE Akimbekova K.; PhD, Professor Nurdillayeva R.N., Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences (Khoja Ahmed Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University); Master of Natural Sciences in the specialty "Ecology", practitioner-ecologist Kadyrbaeva A.
The event became a platform for the exchange of experience, discussion of new approaches to the development and implementation of micro-qualifications in educational programs. The decisions taken will help universities in Central Asia to train specialists who are able to solve the problems of environmental protection and sustainable development and be in demand on the labor market in 2030