The purpose of career guidance work of Al Farabi Kazakh National University is to provide schoolchildren with comprehensive information about education, quality and conditions of education, variety of professions. Every year there are new aspects affecting the admission campaign which need to be explained to future students and their parents. An important aspect of extracurricular work of the teacher is informing potential applicants about our university, given the significant competition in the market of educational services.
Career guidance is a purposeful work that helps to form an interest in the profession and consciously choose a future profession, taking into account the abilities and aptitudes of each student depending on the needs of society. Career guidance allows the younger generation to choose a future profession without making mistakes.
In accordance with the plan of the department for 2024 - 2025 academic year 05.12.2024g. senior lecturer of the Department of Diplomatic Translation FMO Rakhimbayeva R.M. visited the following schools: school № 10, school - gymnasium № 81 and M. Bazarbayev gymnasium № 138.
Interviews were held with the future applicants. During the meeting, the conditions and quality of education at the university were highlighted, examples of the organization of academic and extracurricular work of students were given, In addition, pupils were briefly introduced to the range of specialties they could master. Pupils were actively interested in the conditions of enrollment on the budgetary basis of education. At the end of the meeting, students and teachers thanked the representatives of the university, saying that they had received the necessary information. The meeting was a successful.