‘Let's get acquainted!’Farabi University

‘Let's get acquainted!’

6 december, 2024

On the sixth of December the international student festival ‘Let's get acquainted!’ took place at the Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners of Faculty of Pre-University Education KazNU named after аl-Farabi. Such a festival is held annually at the end of the autumn term. In this cheerful event participated foreign students of all groups: and those who learn Russian or Kazakh language of the second year, and those who only began this way. Chinese, Korean, Japanese students performed on the stage, demonstrating not only their talents in national dances, singing in different languages, but also their achievements in learning Kazakh and Russian languages. The audience enthusiastically welcomed the speakers and supported them. All this emphasized the richness of national traditions, mutual openness, tolerance and readiness for cooperation. Great efforts to ensure this level of interaction and understanding between representatives of different countries are made by curators - supervisors of international student groups, who constantly carry out educational work among students of their groups. Such festivals create a welcoming atmosphere, facilitate the exchange of experiences, inspire participants to further explore traditions, customs and languages, and contribute to the strengthening of cultural dialogue. This demonstrates that in a short period of time it is possible to achieve impressive results in linguistic, cultural and creative development, strengthening the unity and cohesion of society, which is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals #4 ‘Quality Education’ and #17 ‘Partnership for Sustainable Development’.

Senior lecturer, curator - supervisor of group№6   Aitpayeva A.S.