Farabi University

An online seminar "Choosing an international journal for publishing scientific results" will be held

11 february

An online seminar "Choosing an international journal for publishing scientific results" will be held

Dear young scientists!

We invite you to our upcoming online seminar!

The speaker is PhD, leading researcher Zheksenbek Toktarbai. He is a member of the editorial board of several international (Engineered Science Publisher) and domestic journals. He also worked as the head of the laboratory group at the Nazarbayev University School of Engineering.

Zheksenbek Toktarbai's scientific research focuses on chemistry and materials science. His main research interests include the development of new effective flocculants based on industrial monomers, as well as the study of new materials and technologies in the field of extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials.

Seminar topic: "Choosing an international journal for publishing scientific results" At this seminar, you will get acquainted with the features, capabilities and important requirements for publishing scientific articles in domestic and international journals.

The seminar will help young scientists to write articles and implement successful scientific projects at the international level.

The event will take place on February 14, 2025 at 3 p.m. on the Zoom platform in an online format.

 Link to the seminar: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79607164466?pwd=DLiQ0RYVk0oncRkxMs0ZC9N4K8jzhq.1

We invite all young scientists to take an active part!


Department of Science and Council of Young Scientists of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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An online seminar "Choosing an international journal for publishing scientific results" will be held

An online seminar "Choosing an international journal for publishing scientific results" will be held