International Day of Rare Diseases-2025

Education is one of the cornerstones of sustainable development (SDGs). Universities play a key role in the implementation of the SDGs, given their enormous learning and teaching capabilities, including in undergraduate programmes.
On February 17, 19 of this year, at the Department of Fundamental Medicine of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, an “open” lesson was held with 1st year students of English groups dedicated to the “International Day of Rare Diseases” within the framework of the SDG “Good health and well-being”.
The presentation “Rare Diseases” took place in the form of a mini-conference where students exchanged knowledge. Responsible teachers: PhD, senior lecturer Ilya Vladimirovich Pinsky; Master of Science, teacher Kulzhebaeva Sabina Renatovna; PhD, acting associate professor Kudiyarova Zhanar Syrlybaykhanovna.
The event was attended by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gulshat Mataevna Kulniyazova. The professor noted the importance of discussing the topic on the eve of International Rare Diseases Day (February 28), recommended students to be more active in discussing each report and wished them all good luck.