Pedagogical practice of 1 year PhD studentsFarabi University

Pedagogical practice of 1 year PhD students

3 march, 2025

On February 28, 2025, Li Xin, a first-year doctoral student in the Department of Management, deliveredthe lecture on "Quality Management" to 3-year students of the "Management" major, HSEB in the frame of pedagogical practice. In the lecture "The main provisions of the quality management system according to the international standards ISO 9000 SERIES", the lecturer first reviewed the content of the previous five weeks of lectures, and then gave a detailed explanation of the concepts, key components, quality policy, the importances, benefits, challenges of implementation of the quality management system according to the international standards ISO 9000 SERIES. He conducted relevant analysis with personal business cases. The students expressed their own opinions, which helped to cultivate students' deep thinking and apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.

The practics’ advisor, teachers of Management Department and some doctoral students from other faculties attended this lecture. Doctor of Economics, Professor A.A. Adambekova and the leadingteachers of the department, B.O. Turebekova, S.K. Tazhieva, and G.K. Zhanibekova, provide support inorganizing open lessons.