Raushangul Amirdinovna Avakova, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor was born on April 24, 1963 in Almaty, in the family of an employee.
Avakova Raushangul Amirdinovna is the author of more than 300 scientific articles, prepared 2 doctors PhD, 11 candidates of philological sciences.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (former S.M. Kirov), Faculty of Philology, Department of Kazakh Language and Literature, Almaty (1986);
Candidate of Philological Sciences (1991);
Doctor of Philological Sciences (2003);
Professor in the field of linguistics;
Professor at Moscow Linguistic University (2005-2007).
1981-1986 – Student at the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (former S.M. Kirov).
1986 – Defended her thesis on the topic “Semantic-morphological structure of verbal phraseological units in the Uyghur language” and received a diploma with honor. Supervisor: Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician A. Kaidarov.
1986-1988 – Teacher of the Kazakh language at ValikhanovKokshetau State Pedagogical Institute
1988-1991 - Full-time postgraduate student of the Department of General Linguistics of Al-FarabiKazNU.
1991 - 10.02.02 - defended her PhD thesis “Semantic and morphological characteristics of verb phraseology of modern Uyghur language” in the speciality “Uyghur language”. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor S.A. Amanzholov.
1991-1993 - Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology, senior lecturer of the Department of General Linguistics.
1993-2004. - Associate Professor of the Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
2003 - defended her doctoral dissertation on the theme “Semantics of Kazakh phraseological phrases” 10.02.02 - on speciality Kazakh language. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor A.S. Amanzholov.
2004 –She was awarded the title of professor in the speciality “Linguistics”.
From 2004 to 10.02.02 - Member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council of Al-FarabiKazNU on speciality Kazakh language.
2005-2007 - Head of the “Centre of the Kazakh language”, Professor of the University of Moscow State Linguistic University on coordination of international higher educational institutions.
2007-2008 - Member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council of L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University 10.02.06 - on speciality “Turkic languages”.
2008-2013 - Head of the Department of Turkology, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
2013-2014 - studied at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) under the international scholarship “Bolashaq”.
2014-2020 -Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Professor of the Department of Turkology.
From 2021 to the present time she is the Head of the Department of Turkology and Language Theory of the Faculty of Philology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
1991-1993 - The first scholarship holder of young and talented scientists.“Outstanding Scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
1997-1999 - winner of the project of the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation.
1998-2001 - INTAS grant.
2007 - Laureate of the grant “The best teacher of higher education institution”.
2009 - Laureate of the State Scientific Degree for talented young scientists, announced by the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2013 - Laureate of the international scholarship “Bolashaq”.
2018 - Medal “For Contributions to Science and Education of the Russian Federation”.
2020 - Public Gold Medal “Unity” of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.
2021 - Medal forLabour Distinction (Erenenbegiushin).
2022 - Certificate of Honour of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2022 - Laureate of the State Prize for Leading Scientists.
2008-2010 Research project “Linguo” (funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia).
2009-2011 “Kazakh literary language and national mentality: cultural concept” (funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
2012-2014 GF14 “Linguistic image of the Turkic world” (funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
2015-2017 3268/GF4 “Spiritual harmony in the heritage of Kazakh-Indian thinkers” (funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
2018-2020 “Contaktology: the influence of Turkish culture on world civilisation" (funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
2023-2025AP19675130 Lexicographic system of common Turkic phraseological units in Turkic languages.
Scientific works: Theory of phraseology (monograph). – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2009. – 290 p. Introduction to Turkic Philology (manual).–Almaty: Kazakh University, 2013.–331 p. Introduction to Turkology.– Almaty: Kazakh University, 2013. - 330 p.Phraseosemantics (monograph). – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2013. – 246 P. Contactology: the influence of Turkic culture on world civilization (monograph) – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2020. – 228 p.
Scientific activity: She reads lecture courses on the following subjects as “Comparative Grammar of Turkic Languages”, “General Linguistics”, “Introduction to Linguistics”, “Philosophical Foundations of Linguistics”, “Social Linguistics”, “Introduction to Turkic Philology”, “Theory of Linguistics”, “Semantics and Pragmatics of the Turkish Language idioms”, etc. She is the author of standard programmes on the main linguistic subjects of philological faculties of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Scientific articles are discussed in publications of the USA, Hungary, Spain, Turkey, Bulgaria, Russia, Poland, Great Britain and at international scientific-theoretical conferences of high level, as scientific papers in journals and scientific collections, in publications approved by the Control Committee of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, republican seminars, forums and round tables. Published on materials of international conferences.
Scientific direction: problems of General Linguistics and Turkology, linguocultural studies, ethnolinguistics, phraseology of Kazakh and Turkic languages, theory of lexicography, teaching of Kazakh as a second and foreign language, etc. deals with important issues of linguistics.