Farabi University

Student scientific society "Ecologist-jurist" 2024- 2025 academic year

The student scientific society "Ecologist-Jurist" has been operating at the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law since 2010. The society promotes environmental protection measures, the implementation of research works by students, various environmental actions, as well as the formation of an ecological worldview and the improvement of environmental culture of students.

The purpose of the student scientific society "Ecologist-jurist":

The main purpose of the student scientific society is to study environmental and legal problems, as well as problems of legal regulation of agricultural relations, natural resource legislation, as well as the formation of appropriate skills and competencies of research work among students. 

The main tasks of the student scientific society are:

  • to bring together students to share knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of environmental protection and environmental management;
  • promoting students social activities in the field of environmental protection, including through volunteering and environmental events;
  • participation in scientific conferences and seminars, conducting research works of students;
  • organization of contests and olympiads in the field of environmental protection;
  • holding round tables, meetings, debates, creative evenings;
  • promotion of the activities of the student society on social networks;
  • education of the need to expand knowledge, responsibility for the state of the environment and the desire for specific activities to protect it;
  • transition to sustainable development and joining efforts in solving global environmental problems;
  • conducting socially significant events in cooperation with environmental organizations.

The forms of work of the society are the preparation and discussion of reports (using presentations) on topical issues of environmental, land and natural resource law.

The frequency is monthly.

  • The plan of the student society "Ecologist -jurist"

https://farabi.university/storage/files/34411479786789df40a386b070007091_План кружка на 2024-2025 учгодx.pdf


https://farabi.university/storage/files/24344179126789df6070990221438081_ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ О СТУДЕНЧЕСКОМ НАУЧНОМ КРУЖКЕ Эколог- правовед.pdf

  • Protocol

https://farabi.university/storage/files/34693722066789e4b68f363241194613_Протокол 1.pdf

https://farabi.university/storage/files/29176924026789e4d2bbe56232380208_Протокол 2.pdf

https://farabi.university/storage/files/25260100596789e4e1ae1f6392605793_Протокол 3.pdf

https://farabi.university/storage/files/22972373256789e4efe1f73443079169_Протокол 4 .pdf

https://farabi.university/storage/files/17732507576789e4ffe3349870922077_Протокол 5.pdf

https://farabi.university/storage/files/26508346666789e51064cf8857447044_Протокол 6.pdf

https://farabi.university/storage/files/22866758246789e51b61990149366735_Протокол 7.pdf

https://farabi.university/storage/files/25288397596789e531f2c2e552409306_Протокол 8.pdf