Educational program
training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, whose professional activities are aimed at scientific research of ideological, methodological and value problems facing modern society and who are able to independently conduct scientific research and carry out educational activities in higher educational institutions at a level that meets accepted standards; take part in the work of governing bodies in government systems, public organizations, commercial structures for the purpose of scientific and information support for their activities.
ON1. to use in professional activities basic knowledge in the field of logic, ontology and theory of knowledge, social philosophy, history of foreign and domestic philosophy, ethics, aesthetics and philosophical anthropology;
ON2. to characterize welfare processes and the phenomena as pictures of the scientific and ordinary world from a position of methodology of modern philosophy;
ON3. to define a subject of philosophy and its role in the history of human culture in correlation to other forms of spiritual life (religion, science, art, etc.);
ON4. to estimate the phenomena and processes of financial, economic, political, legal, social and spiritual life of modern society on the basis of philosophical understanding of regularities of functioning and development of the nature and society;
ON5. to interpret welfare and historic facts philosophy meta language;
ON6. to analyze current problems of development of modern society and to represent results in a format of scientific articles and secondary scientific genres (reviews, summaries, bibliographic indexes, etc.);
ON7. to formulate production tasks and to work with large volumes of text information, to carry out information search through library stocks, the computer systems of information support, periodicals;
ON8. to build cross-cultural dialogue on the basis of knowledge and understanding of problems of the person in the modern world, values of world and Kazakhstan culture;
ON9. to carry out planning and the organization of the professional activity within strategy, policy and the organizations are more whole, as well as the implementation of the policy of scientific communication;
ON10. to make management decisions on the basis of the principles of the system social analysis with high degree of autonomy;
ON11. to prove the system of scientific results on the basis of the principles of logical thinking, the theory and practice of the argument and to present them to scientific community and the general public, to defend behind them in scientific discussions;
ON12. to carry out research activity in the field of philosophy on the basis of possession of methods and receptions of the logical analysis, ability to work with scientific texts and semantic designs which are contained in them, to apply basic bases of scientific and methodical and educational and methodical work in professional activity.
Bachelor's degree programs
1) Certificate / diploma + applications (original)
2) ID card
3) UNT certificate
4) Certificates confirming benefits and quotas
5) Photo 3x4: 6 pcs.
6) Medical certificate form 063/y
7) Medical certificate in form 075 / y
🎯If the medical certificate, form 0/75 y does not contain evidence of psycho-drug registration data, then please download it on the Egov website
Bachelor of Philosophy educational program is preparing for the following types of professional activities:
- Researcher at academic and research organizations;
- a teacher of philosophical disciplines in educational institutions and institutions of secondary and secondary special vocational education;
- Analyst, expert in the editorial offices of mass media, museums and libraries, government bodies, public organizations and commercial structures;
- Specialist of scientific, educational and social funds.
Key employers for the future employment of graduates are:
1. Research units (foundations, centers, etc.) in organizations with various types of ownership
2. Secondary and secondary specialized education organizations
3. Vocational education organizations
4. Organizations providing educational support services
5. Professional organizations and other public associations
6. News agencies
7. State institutions (akimats, ministries and departments, etc.)
The educational program is relevant for the following areas of professional activity and employment:
1. Research and experimental development in the field of social sciences and humanities,
2. Basic and general secondary education, vocational education, specialized secondary education, as well as other types of education not included in other categories;
3. Activities of professional organizations and public associations
4. The activities of news agencies.
Research institutes and organizations of secondary and vocational education, public and cultural centers, government agencies and the media are in need of specialists in the field of philosophy. The social relevance of the educational program of the specialty philosophy is determined by the orientation towards teaching free, reflective thinking, able to withstand various forms of propaganda, fanaticism, inequality and intolerance.
Masanchi 39/47, LC 4, offiсe 413.
Contact Phone: + (727)377 33 33 (2129)