6B07104 Chemical Technology of Organic Substances
Цель: "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances" with theoretical knowledge and professional competencies necessary to monitor and improve the processes of organic chemical and related for the production of target products, modern technologies. The implementation of the educational program is aimed at shaping the personality of a bachelor who is able to: - solve professional problems on the basis of generally accepted laws and the theory of fundamental sections of chemistry, as well as existing and proven technologies for the creation of organic substances and materials; - use various types of information and communication technologies in their professional activities; - work effectively in a team in order to find the best ways to solve the set professional tasks.
Предметы на ЕНТ: Chemistry и Physics

Educational program
"Chemical Technology of Organic Substances" with theoretical knowledge and professional competencies necessary to monitor and improve the processes of organic chemical and related for the production of target products, modern technologies. The implementation of the educational program is aimed at shaping the personality of a bachelor who is able to: - solve professional problems on the basis of generally accepted laws and the theory of fundamental sections of chemistry, as well as existing and proven technologies for the creation of organic substances and materials; - use various types of information and communication technologies in their professional activities; - work effectively in a team in order to find the best ways to solve the set professional tasks.Upon completion of this program, it is expected that undergraduates will be able to
1. Identify the relationship between the reactivity of organic substances and the structure, structure of molecules, the nature of chemical bonds, the composition of the system and the conditions of chemical reactions, based on the basic principles, laws and theories of the fundamental sections of chemistry.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of technical and design documentation, as well as engineering calculations of chemical-technological processes and equipment for the production of organic substances and materials based on multicomponent systems.
3. To systematize the research methods of chemical and chemical-technological processes used for control, analysis of raw materials and target organic products, with the aim of improving the technological stages.
4. Choose the best way to obtain organic substances and materials with a given structure, structure of molecules, composition of the system under the conditions of a professional task.
5. To carry out engineering calculations and modeling of chemical-technological processes and equipment for the production of organic substances and materials.
6. To analyze the technical, technological and design documentation of enterprises for the production of organic substances and materials.
7. Apply research methods of chemical and chemical-technological processes to control, analyze raw materials and target organic products.
8. Modify existing technological processes to improve the efficiency and quality of the target organic product in the context of the professional task.
9. Classify chemical-technological processes for the production of organic substances and materials under the conditions of a professional task.
10. To organize the analysis and quality control of raw materials, intermediate and finished products of production
11. Propose technological solutions to improve individual stages of the production of organic substances and materials.
Formulate and justify ideas, problems related to the professional activity of a chemical technologist, both to specialists and non-specialists.
Bachelor's degree programs
1) Certificate / diploma + applications (original)2) ID card
3) UNT certificate
4) Certificates confirming benefits and quotas
5) Photo 3x4: 6 pcs.
6) Medical certificate form 063/y
7) Medical certificate in form 075 / y
🎯If the medical certificate, form 0/75 y does not contain evidence of psycho-drug registration data, then please download it on the Egov website
- Нistory of Kazakhstan-5 ECTS
- Foreign Language-5 ECTS
- Physical Training-2 ECTS
- Module of socio-political knowledge (Sociology)-2 ECTS
- Module of socio-political knowledge (Political science)-2 ECTS
- Module of socio-political knowledge (Psychology)-2 ECTS
- Module of socio-political knowledge (Culture)-2 ECTS
- Mathematics 1-5 ECTS
- General and inorganic chemistry-6 ECTS
- Basics of Financial Literacy-5 ECTS
- Mathematics 2-5 ECTS
- Physics 1-5 ECTS
- Entrepreneurship-5 ECTS
- Foreign Language-5 ECTS
- Physical Training-2 ECTS
- Educational-2 ECTS
- Al-Farabi and Modernity-5 ECTS
- Legal Bases of Corruption Control-5 ECTS
- Ecology and Human Life Safety-5 ECTS
- Abais Teaching-5 ECTS
- Scientific Research Methods-5 ECTS
- Engineering and computer graphics-5 ECTS
- Analytical control of substances and materials-6 ECTS
- Organic chemistry aliphatic compounds-6 ECTS
- Kazakh (Russian) Language-5 ECTS
- Physical Training-2 ECTS
- Information-Communication Technologies-5 ECTS
- Physics 2-5 ECTS
- Philosophy-5 ECTS
- Physical Training-2 ECTS
- Production-4 ECTS
- Kazakh (Russian) Language-5 ECTS
- Fundamentals of physical chemistry-9 ECTS
- Organic Chemistr of Cyclic Compounds-6 ECTS
- Theoretical basis of the technology of organic substances-5 ECTS
- Basic processes and apparatuses of chemical technology-9 ECTS
- Colloid chemistry and interfacial processes-9 ECTS
- Chemistry and technology of disperse systems-9 ECTS
- Chemistry and technology of polymers-9 ECTS
- Material science-6 ECTS
- Theoretcal and applied mechanics-6 ECTS
- General Chemical Technology-9 ECTS
- Chemical Technology of basic, fine organic and petrochemical synthesis-9 ECTS
- Production-4 ECTS
- Bioorganic Chemistry-6 ECTS
- Modeling of chemical-technological processes-6 ECTS
- Technology of hydrocarbon refining-6 ECTS
- Fundamentals of designing chemical-technological production-6 ECTS
- Fundamentals of Industrial Organic Chemistry-6 ECTS
- Chemistry and technology of hetero cyclic substance-6 ECTS
- Physico-chemical methods of analysis of organic substances and materials-6 ECTS
- Chemical technology of processing of plant raw materials-6 ECTS
- Bases of biochemistry and synthesis of biologically active compounds and іdentification-6 ECTS
- Basics of immobilization of natural biologically active compounds-6 ECTS
- Technology of primary processing of hydrocarbons-6 ECTS
- Theory and Technology of Catalytic Petrochemical Industries-6 ECTS
- Gas chemical processes in oil refining-6 ECTS
- Fundamentals of creation and properties of polymer composite materials-6 ECTS
- Chemistry and technology of paint coatings and quality control of polymer materials-6 ECTS
- Special purpose polymers-6 ECTS
- Surfactant technology-6 ECTS
- Chemistry and technology of microheterogeneous systems-6 ECTS
- Colloidal chemical basis of oil preparation-6 ECTS
- Pre-diploma-8 ECTS
- Production-8 ECTS
- Final Attestation-8 ECTS
Graduates of the educational program "Chemical technology of organic substances" can work as a chemist-technologist and engineer-technologist at enterprises producing organic substances, processing oil, gas, coal and polymers, elastomers, paints and varnishes, solid and liquid rocket fuels, preparing, extracting and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials and their rational use, at the mining industries; researcher of research institutes and chemical laboratories in the field of physical and chemical control of organic substances and materials; employees of research and production centers of enterprises and design industry institutes. Related types of professional activities of graduates are: biomedical business; chemical protection of plants; food industry; perfume industry; pharmaceutical industry. The educational program is relevant for the following areas of employment: 1. Chemical industry 2. Oil refining industry 3. Pharmaceutical industry 4. Higher education institutions 5. Research institutes and divisions. Upon completion of the educational program 6B07104 - "Chemical technology of organic substances", a graduate can enter the master's educational programs "Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies in chemistry", "Chemistry", "Chemical engineering", "Chemical technology of inorganic substances", "Chemical technology of organic substances", "Chemical technology of explosives and pyrotechnics".
Yelibayeva Nazym, e-mail: nazym.elybaeva@kaznu.edu.kz, tel. +77786766282
Documents of EP