6B05108 Biomedicine
Цель: The objectives of the educational program in the specialty "Biomedicine" are to prepare a highly qualified bachelor in the field of biomedicine, who owns a modern methodology of scientific research and skills to work on modern equipment for biology, medicine, biotechnology and other industries
Предметы на ЕНТ: Biology и Chemistry

Educational program
The objectives of the educational program in the specialty "Biomedicine" are to prepare a highly qualified bachelor in the field of biomedicine, who owns a modern methodology of scientific research and skills to work on modern equipment for biology, medicine, biotechnology and other industriesLR 1. Apply knowledge of biology and related sciences, structure and functions of the human and animal organism, analyzing the functional state from cellular, tissue, organ, organ, system levels to the organism as a whole to understand the processes of the organism's vital activity and its interaction with the environment.
LR 2. Integrate knowledge of physics, chemistry and biomedical sciences to implement biological and medical research using modern instrumentation: diagnostic imaging equipment, electrocardiographs, electroencephalographs, hematological and biochemical analyzers, biomedical measuring equipment, clinical measuring equipment, etc.
LR 3. Work effectively in an interprofes-sional multidisciplinary team in biomedical research laboratories using modern biological and medical equipment, utilizing methods of medical biochemistry, biophysics, nanotechnology, cell and tissue culturing techniques, biochemical and physiological studies of human and animal cells, tissues, organs and organisms.
LP 4. Perform observation, collection of information and biological material by monitoring biological systems and standard laboratory procedures, utilizing biomedical equipment and documenting results.
LP 5. Analyze the data of laboratory-instrumental methods of research, prioritizing the relevant data to make a plan for preliminary diagnosis and assessment of the functional state of the body.
LP 6. Conduct pre-hospital instrumental diagnostics of the functional state of the organism using instrumental and hardware-software means, assessing the histophysiological state of various cellular, tissue and organ structures in humans and animals.
LP 7. Understand professional information in the field of circulation of medicines and biomedical products, applying knowledge of pharmaceutical care, drug formulations, herbal preparations and herbal medicines, their active ingredients and principles of use.
LP 8. Technically competent to perform procedures of biomedical research methods, conducting sanitary and hygienic treatment of therapeutic and diagnostic rooms of medical organizations, mastering the techniques of physiological research and medical procedures.
LP 9. Применять в практической деятельности полученные знания с соблюдением принципов биоэтики, руководствуясь в своей деятельности нормативно-правовыми актами с учетом действующего законодательства; демонстрируя навыки работы в команде; эффективно выстраивая динамические межличностные отношения.
LP 10. Be able to apply their knowledge and abilities using IT-technologies and communication competencies in scientific and professional activities to enhance personal professional growth in a rapidly changing technological environment.
Bachelor's degree programs
1) Certificate / diploma + applications (original)2) ID card
3) UNT certificate
4) Certificates confirming benefits and quotas
5) Photo 3x4: 6 pcs.
6) Medical certificate form 063/y
7) Medical certificate in form 075 / y
🎯If the medical certificate, form 0/75 y does not contain evidence of psycho-drug registration data, then please download it on the Egov website
- Нistory of Kazakhstan-5 ECTS
- Foreign Language-5 ECTS
- Kazakh (Russian) Language-5 ECTS
- Physical Training-2 ECTS
- Biodiversity of Plants and Animals-9 ECTS
- Module of socio-political knowledge (Sociology)-2 ECTS
- Module of socio-political knowledge (Psychology)-2 ECTS
- Module of socio-political knowledge (Culture)-2 ECTS
- Module of socio-political knowledge (Political science)-2 ECTS
- Basics of Financial Literacy-5 ECTS
- Foreign Language-5 ECTS
- Physical Training-2 ECTS
- Entrepreneurship-5 ECTS
- Al-Farabi and Modernity-5 ECTS
- Kazakh (Russian) Language-5 ECTS
- Legal Bases of Corruption Control-5 ECTS
- Ecology and Human Life Safety-5 ECTS
- Abais Teaching-5 ECTS
- Scientific Research Methods-5 ECTS
- Inorganic and Organic Chemistry-6 ECTS
- Professional (educational-field) practice-3 ECTS
- Physical Training-2 ECTS
- Biochemistry-6 ECTS
- Information-Communication Technologies-5 ECTS
- Cytology, Histology and Human Anatomy-9 ECTS
- Genetics-9 ECTS
- Philosophy-5 ECTS
- Physical Training-2 ECTS
- Human Physiology-9 ECTS
- Production-4 ECTS
- Mathematics and Physics-9 ECTS
- Hematology-6 ECTS
- Hormonal regulation of body functions-6 ECTS
- Fundamentals of pharmacology and herbal medicine-9 ECTS
- Epidemiology and general hygiene-9 ECTS
- Applied endocrinology-6 ECTS
- Production-3 ECTS
- Medical Microbiology-6 ECTS
- Microbiology and toxicology-6 ECTS
- Molecular biomedicine-6 ECTS
- Evidence-Based Medicine and Biomedical Information Processing Methods-9 ECTS
- Immunology with the basics of pathology-6 ECTS
- Molecular biology-6 ECTS
- Biomedical tools and equipment-9 ECTS
- CNS Physiology-9 ECTS
- Modern problems of geriatrics-6 ECTS
- Biomembranology-6 ECTS
- Physiology of the cardiorespiratory system-9 ECTS
- Biophysics-6 ECTS
- Chronomedicine and bioethics-9 ECTS
- Radiology and organization of preventive and diagnostic measures-6 ECTS
- Pre-diploma-7 ECTS
- Final Attestation-8 ECTS
- Production-9 ECTS
Training is planned in the following areas of professional activity: Educational Scientific; healthcare Agriculture The graduate was trained for activities in the Scientific Research Institute of Biological and Medical Sciences and in practical health care institutions. Theoretical knowledge in the fields of physiology, medical biochemistry, genetics, biophysics, nanotechnology and research methods in the fields of biomedicine, experimental oncology, radiobiology, methods of biochemical and biophysical research of cells, Human and animal tissues, organs and bodies. He was prepared to continue his studies at the Master’s Degree School, as well as to master modern techniques in biomedical research and to participate in the development and testing of modern equipment for the study of the human body.
+7 701 711 24 32 Ablaykhanova Nurzhanat Tatukhanovna nurzhanat.ablaihanova@kaznu.edu.kz
Documents of EP