Educational program
The training of highly qualified specialists who own: in-depth knowledge related to the identification, research and modeling of new physical phenomena and patterns; skills and abilities necessary for the development, creation and introduction of new technologies, devices and materials for various purposes in the field of engineering physics.
ON1 to analyze scientific and technical information using the experience of domestic and foreign scientists on the subject of research and modern information technologies for searching, storing, processing and transmitting new information;
ON2 to develop a program of actual training course for teaching physical disciplines taking into account the modern requirements of higher education pedagogy, psychological and pedagogical foundations of the innovative educational process;
ON3 use modern physical and mathematical methods, computer-aided design methods to create innovative projects for the development, implementation and commercialization of new technologies and artificial intelligence methods to solve professional problems;
ON4 to interpret and summarize the results of scientific research; prepare reports, presentations and scientific publications with the presentation of practical recommendations for the implementation of the results in production;
ON5 develop proposals and improve technological processes and equipment with the involvement of innovative technologies; to assess the economic efficiency of technological processes and their environmental safety;
ON6 to critically evaluate the quality and performance of labor, the costs and results of the team in the production activities; analyze the state of the scientific and technical problem, setting goals and objectives in order to improve and improve the efficiency of technological processes in the field of engineering physics;
ON7 to model production processes and perform engineering and technical-economic calculations using application software packages and computer-aided information processing methods;
ON8 independently carry out physical and technical studies to optimize the parameters of objects and processes using standard and special tools and software;
ON9 analyze the efficiency of technological processes to improve the performance of energy and resource saving, create technologies for waste disposal and systems for ensuring environmental safety of production;
ON10 conduct an examination of technical documentation, form an application for research projects with the preparation of schedules, technical specifications and reports;
ON11 to exercise control over the adjustment, adjustment and experimental testing of technical devices, systems and complexes, to select systems to ensure the required measurement accuracy;
ON12 to show creativity in solving various situations and take responsibility for these decisions, to argue their own judgments and scientific position, to organize the work of the creative team to achieve the scientific goal.
Master's degree educational programs
Persons entering the master’s degree or residency:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education in any form;
2) document on higher education (original);
3) certificate of completion of the internship (for admission to residency);
4) identity document (required for personal identification);
5) six photographs 3x4 centimeters in size;
6) a medical certificate in the f
For the future employment of graduates of the program, key employers are: research institutes, educational institutions (universities, institutes), enterprises of various industries and other industrial institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the following organizations:
1. JSC «Kazakh Research Institute of Energy named after Academician Sh. CH. Chokin»;
2. JSC «National Atomic Company Kazatomprom»;
3. Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics;
4. Institute of combustion problems;
5. JSC «KTZH Freight»;
6. LLP «Innovative technology company», Almaty;
7. LLP «AEMZ», Almaty;
8. «Samruk-Green Energy» LLP;
9. «KEGOC»;
10. LLP «Аksu-Energo»;
11. «Almaty Electromechanical Plant» LLP, Almaty;
12. KSU «Housing and communal services department of passenger transport and highways of the akimat of Kordai district»;
13. «Tengizneftestroy» JSC;
14. JSC «Volkovgeology»;
15. «Gazpromneft» LLP
16. Corporation «Saiman» and others.
Bolegenova S.A.
Almaty, 050040 al-Farabi Ave., 71.
Faculty of Physics and Technology,317.
Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics 15-43. tel:+7 701 386 9755