Educational program
The purpose of the educational program "8D06101 Information Systems" is the training of scientific, scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of information systems that are able to conduct applied experimental research, lead research projects, design offices, research departments, conduct educational activities, present scientific achievements.
Upon completion of this program it is expected that graduates of PhD doctoral studies will be able to:
ON1. conduct domain research, analyzing and synthesizing the latest theories in the field of modeling, design, development, implementation and maintenance of information systems;
ON2. conduct experimental studies by obtaining empirical data for comparative analysis and analogy, identifying the distinctive features;
ON3. develop algorithms, models of software products in the process of applied research, conducting a patent search, applying mathematical models;
ON4. to identify patterns, algorithms, models for effective development in theoretical studies based on modern methodologies by integrating the necessary resources from interdisciplinary areas;
ON5. plan and organize research activities in the field of information systems, carry out research projects, manage research in organizations on the basis of project, innovation, production, strategic management;
ON6. to make a scientific, engineering and technical opinion on scientific projects, scientific research in the field of IT infrastructure and information systems;
ON7. to summarize the scientific novelty, contribution to the development of the sphere of information systems by conducting the required scientific research in the field of information technology;
ON8. improve methodologies and technologies at the stage of maintenance of the life cycle of an information system;
ON9. create high-tech start-ups that contribute to the sustainable development of information systems, develop specifications for IT solutions;
ON10. conduct scientific and pedagogical activities, participate in the development of educational and methodological materials for teaching disciplines in the direction of "Information Technology";
ON11. develop a software product in the form of an information system for production purposes on the basis of research and development and the latest technological solutions;
ON12. integrate with the world scientific community by citing high-quality publications, participating in scientific conferences, publish scientific and technical reports, reviews, present scientific results, observing the scientific ethics of a research scientist, work in a team.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Persons entering doctoral studies (PhD) submit the following package of documents:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education (in any form);
2) a document on education (original, when submitting documents to the selection committee);
3) identity document (required for personal identification);
4) official certificate of passing the state language exam (KAZTEST) issu
Graduates are awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD in the direction "8D061 – information and communication technologies" (8D0610-Information Systems").
Planned area of professional activity of the graduate
Doctor of Phd in specialty "8d0610-Information systems" can be engaged in the following activities:
- research activities;
- pedagogical activity, educational activity;
- activities in the field of computer programming and software development.
Types of activities (professions), which are mainly prepared by the graduate EP
Doctor of Phd in specialty "8d06101 -Information systems" can work as:
- teachers of state and non-state secondary, specialized secondary and higher educational institutions;
- researcher of research and other organizations of any form of ownership;
- software engineer, developer, project director.
For the future employment of graduates of the program by key employers in the educational program
8D06101 - Information systems are:
1. RSE "Institute of information and computing technologies" KN MES RK;
2. Public and private secondary and higher education institutions;
3. Institute of High technologies LLP-a subsidiary of JSC "NAC"Kazatomprom" - is a comprehensive industry research Institute that solves strategic problems of innovation development, technological renewal of production, a radical rise in the quality and competitiveness of high-tech products, as well as environmental issues;
4. The need of the labor market is justified by the fact that many regional Universities send their specialists for targeted training in this specialty.
The educational program is relevant for a specific area of employment and economic activity in which the demand for this profession
1. activities to ensure public order and security;
2. security of communications and information;
3. activities in the field of computer programming;
4. software development;
5. software maintenance;
6. consulting services in the field of computer technology;
7. computer equipment management activities;
8. other activities in the field of information technology and computer systems;
9. research and experimental development in the field of natural Sciences and engineering.
al-Farabi Kazakh National university
71 al-Farabi Ave., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050040
Tel. 8 (727) 377-33-33 enter.(15-79), Baisholanova Karlygash Sovetovna 87026159530