Educational program
training of highly qualified specialists with professional and scientific competencies and skills, capable of independently performing all types of research and teaching activities in the scope of their professional activities to meet the needs of science, education and production in the field of fisheries and agro–industrial complex
ON1 To edit scientific papers, articles, projects on topical issues of fisheries with subsequent review, examination and recommendation.
ON2 To advise specialists in the fisheries industry on the scientific and methodological organization of aquaculture and fisheries enterprises
ON3 To develop a feasibility and biological justification for the organization and design of specially protected natural areas and reserves, aquaculture enterprises of various types, breeding fish farms using genetic laws and scientific research centers of fisheries.
ON4 To assess the state of forage resources of reservoirs with the identification of the degree of consumption of forage organisms and feeding of fish in natural reservoirs and fish farms using modern research methods
ON5 Organize hydrobiological and ichthyological monitoring of natural reservoirs, followed by analysis and assessment of the hydrochemical state of reservoirs and the impact of economic activity on the formation of products of natural reservoirs.
ON6 Assess the extent of the influence of anthropogenic factors on the state of natural reservoirs with the determination of taxonomy of taxa and species diversity, morphobiological and genetic state of fish populations.
ON7 To carry out pedagogical activities in accordance with moral, ethical and legal norms with the development of educational programs and educational and methodological complexes of disciplines.
ON8 Develop scientifically based measures to restore the number of endangered and red-listed species of aquatic organisms, taking into account possible risks and consequences of management decisions at all levels of the fisheries management system for the rational use and protection of water resources.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Persons entering doctoral studies (PhD) submit the following package of documents:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education (in any form);
2) a document on education (original, when submitting documents to the selection committee);
3) identity document (required for personal identification);
4) official certificate of passing the state language exam (KAZTEST) issu
Doctor of philosophy PhD, prepared under the educational program "8D08401 Fisheries and commercial fisheries" can work in management and research activities in the field of fisheries.
- research in the field of ichthyology, Hydrobiology, current state and protection of aquatic biological resources, conservation of genetic diversity;
- study of intraspecific genetic diversity, population structure of hydrobionts, strategies and tactics of hydrobiont conservation;
- the study of the environmental basis of the functioning of water bodies, ecological zoning, sustainable use of biological resources;
- research of biological productivity of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, seas;
the investigation of biological and legal mechanisms of regulation of populations of aquatic organisms. Determining the total allowable catch;
- biotechnological research aimed at increasing the productivity of valuable commercial fish (induced gynogenesis), restoring and preserving endangered and rare species of hydrobionts;
- study of the distribution and dynamics of the number of major commercial fish species in Kazakhstan, the impact of economic activity on the biological productivity of reservoirs
Almaty, al-Farabi Ave., 71/19, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, room 527, work phone: +77273773333 (12-12 internal)
Head of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Kurmanbayeva Meruyert Sakenovna
Tel: +77071104439; e-mail:
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources Kegenova Gulnar Bolatovna,
Tel: +77022351663; e-mail: