Educational program
The purpose of the educational program is to train highly qualified specialists of modern formation who have the ability to use theoretical knowledge and research methods in the field of research activity, development and analysis of generalized solutions to the tasks. The implementation of the educational program is aimed at forming the personality of a specialist, which can:
- apply knowledge of fundamental sections of plasma physics for solving of professional problems;
- apply modern methods of programming physical problems, with taking into account the basic requirements of information security;
- conduct research work in the field of experimental and theoretical physical research concerning plasma physics with using of information technologies;
- use communication skills in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages in their professional activities.
Upon completion of this educational program,Master students are expected to be able to:
ON1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of conceptual provisions, theoretical and practical methods for implementing specific scientific and technical tasks related to the current state of plasma physics;
ON2 Form ideas about the main stages of development and paradigm changes in the evolution of science in the process of scientific and technical revolution
ON3 Use mathematical apparatus and standard application software packages to build mathematical models of physical phenomena and processes in plasma physics.
ON4 Independently organize the collection, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information on experiments and computer modeling in non-ideal plasma physics
ON5 Evaluate the technical and economic efficiency of decisions made
ON6 Expert the results published in scientific and technical literature, apply the skills of analysis and writing scientific and methodological theses, articles and reports, and programming and modeling skills in non-ideal plasma physics.
ON7 Plan individual research activities in accordance with the purpose and objectives of the research on the specific conditions of the set physical problems of plasma physics
ON8 Calculate and make estimates of the performance and energy efficiency of experimental plasma installations for solutions to thermonuclear fusion issues
ON9 Create and research mathematical models of plasma phenomena at the quantum level and use appropriate mathematical tools, including estimation and computer modeling methods
ON10 Integrate theoretical and experimental methods for solving current research problems in the field of plasma physics
ON11 Adopt solutions in the combination of modern software and methods of secure information work in their professional field
ON12 Implement achievements in plasma physics in the educational process in educational institutions
Master's degree educational programs
Persons entering the master’s degree or residency:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education in any form;
2) document on higher education (original);
3) certificate of completion of the internship (for admission to residency);
4) identity document (required for personal identification);
5) six photographs 3x4 centimeters in size;
6) a medical certificate in the f
- History and Philosophy of Science-3 ECTS
- Foreign Language (professional)-5 ECTS
- Pedagogy of Higher education-5 ECTS
- Plasma physics and thermonuclear synthesis-5 ECTS
- Computer simulation of dynamic characteristics of dense plasma-5 ECTS
- Plasma Physics-5 ECTS
- Computer simulation of transport properties of plasma-5 ECTS
- Organization and planning of scientific research-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-1 ECTS
- Low-temperature plasma physics-5 ECTS
- Actual problems of plasma physics-5 ECTS
- Pedagogical Practice-4 ECTS
- Psychology of management-3 ECTS
- Gas discharges Physics-5 ECTS
- Electric Current in Gases-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-2 ECTS
- Plasma processes mathematical models-5 ECTS
- Piasma Technologies-5 ECTS
- Research-4 ECTS
- Plasma-chemistry-5 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-1 ECTS
- Plasma equipments. Electric propulsion engines and their use in space-5 ECTS
- Quantum- statistic models of non-ideal plasma-5 ECTS
- Space pasma-5 ECTS
- Nanomedicine based on plasma technology-6 ECTS
- Modern methods of quantum-mechanical modeling-5 ECTS
- Computer simulation methods and data processing-5 ECTS
- Research-4 ECTS
- Scientific Internship-3 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-10 ECTS
- Publication in the Proceedings of International Conferences-4 ECTS
- Final Attestation-8 ECTS
This educational program under the double diploma program on the basis of two leading universities of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) was built taking into account the analysis of similar programs of leading foreign educational organizations, where special attention is paid to information, experimental, computer technologies in modern plasma physics.
The implementation of the educational program is aimed at forming the personality of a specialist who is able to:
− apply knowledge of fundamental sections of plasma physics to solve professional problems;
− apply modern methods of programming physical tasks, taking into account the basic requirements of information security;
− to carry out research work in the field of experimental and theoretical physical research with regard to plasma physics with the help of information technologies;
Plasma Physics, Nanotechnology and Computer Physics Department
Almaty, Al-Farabi ave, 71, Faculty of Physics and Technology, room 310.
Head of Department - Kodanova Sandugash Kulmagambetovna
tel: +7(727)221-15-53