Educational program
The purpose of the educational program is to prepare masters with professional competencies to solve theoretical and applied problems in the field of chemical physics related to the processes of combustion and explosion, physical and chemical engineering, materials science and nanotechnology.
The program is aimed at creating a professional personality capable of:
- to evaluate modern scientific achievements in the field of chemical physics, the physical theory of chemical reactions and experimental methods for studying the chemical structure and dynamics of chemical transformations;
- to argue the basic principles and methods of modern chemical physics, in nanotechnology and in other interdisciplinary fields;
- analyze the behavior of substances and structural-phase transitions in extreme conditions - in electric and magnetic fields, in conditions of static and dynamic compression, in laser radiation fields, in plasma and in gravitational fields, at ultra-high and ultra-low temperatures;
- independently carry out scientific and applied research in the field of chemical physics and develop practical recommendations for using the results of scientific research in pedagogical practice and solving professional problems.
Upon completion of this program, Masters are expected to be able to:
1. To interpret the basic concepts and provisions of chemical kinetics, experimental methods for studying the kinetics of chemical reactions and methods for analyzing experimental data;
2. To form a systematic knowledge of the laws of kinetics of chemical reactions, the theory of diffusion and heat transfer, the provisions of chemical thermodynamics in the processes of combustion and explosion, and the synthesis of nanomaterials;
3. To classify the fast-flowing chemical and physico-chemical transformations of substances and systems in the processes of thermal decomposition, combustion, explosion and detonation;
4. To apply the methods of theoretical and experimental research, mathematical analysis and modeling of physical and chemical processes in scientific-innovative and engineering-technological activity;
5. To use information and communication technologies in everyday and professional activities to improve digital literacy and have the skills to work in global computer networks to receive, store and process information;
6. To evaluate the patterns of the influence of external influences on the kinetics of chemical processes in various systems to optimize technological processes;
7. To choose the most effective areas of application of chemical physics methods allowing to modernize the processes of synthesis and directed modification of material properties;
8. Justify the choice of methods for recording and processing the results of theoretical and experimental studies in the field of chemical physics;
9. To integrate scientific and professional knowledge in the field of chemical physics into the practice of the educational process of higher education, including in the context of the characteristics of distance learning;
10. To develop skills for continuing education and self-education, the ability to maximize the most productive use of one’s creative potential in the interests of individuals, society and the state;
11. To apply in practice professional and personal qualities that provide ample opportunities for self-realization in the latest areas of knowledge, the most significant areas of professional activity and public life;
12.Organize the work of teams, performers, independently accept social and ethical obligations;
Master's degree educational programs
Persons entering the master’s degree or residency:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education in any form;
2) document on higher education (original);
3) certificate of completion of the internship (for admission to residency);
4) identity document (required for personal identification);
5) six photographs 3x4 centimeters in size;
6) a medical certificate in the f
LLP «Ин Прометей»,
LLP «Фирма Жайна»,
LLP «Жалын»,
LLP «Институт проблем горения»
LLP «Прометей»,
LLP «АлмаДК»,
LLP «НитроСибирьКазахстан»,
LLP «Казфосфат»
LLP Экспертно –сертификационный центр взрывчатых материалов
LLP «КазСтройСтекло»
LLP «Нуркадам»
LLP «Munai Eco Engineering»
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 1st floor, room № 122.
al-Farabi avenue. 71
Housing the main building 5
Telephone number of the chair: 8(727) 211-15-11