Kuandykova Elvira Serikbaevna

30 december 2024

In the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi will be the defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Kuandykova Elvira Serikbaevna  on the theme «Legal foundations of public administration in the field of agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan» on the educational program – «8D04203 - Jurisprudence».

Dissertation work was carried out at the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law of the Faculty of Law of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.

Form of defense - dissertation work

The language of defense - Kazakh.

Official reviewers:

1.  Dusipov Erkin Shazhievich - Doctor of Law, Professor, Vice-Rector for Infrastructural Development of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Specialty 12.00.06;

2. Ozenbaeva Aigerim Toylybaevna - PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Law of the Central Asian Innovation University. (Shymkent, Kazakhstan). Specialty «6D030100 – Jurisprudence»;

Scientific consultants:

1. Baideldinov Daulet Laikovich - Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law of the Law Faculty of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

2. Thomas Hoffman - PhD, Professor, Faculty of Law, Tallinn University of Technology (Tallinn, Estonia)

Temporary members of the Dissertation Council:

1. Berdibaeva Aliya Kartbaevna - Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Analyst of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana, Kazakhstan);

2.  Madalieva Akzada Alaydarovna - Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kyzylorda region (Almaty, Kyzylorda);

3. Khalmuminov Zhuma Tashtemirovich - Doctor of Law, Professor of Tashkent State Law University (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).

The defense will be held in a mixed (online and offline) format on December 30, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. in the Dissertation Council at Al-Farabi KazNU on the group of specialties/educational programs «6D030100, 8D04203-Jurisprudence; 6D030200, 8D04201-International Law» at the address: 050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue, 71, Faculty of Law, auditorium № 413.

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