The defense of the PhD dissertation by Yeshmukhanbet Anar, titled "Changes in intestinal hemo-and lymphodynamics and contractile function of lymph nodes in abdominal inflammation" in the specialty "8D05102 – Biomedicine" will take place at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The dissertation was completed in the laboratory of Physiology of lymphatic systems of the Institute of Genetics and Physiology of the CS MSHE RK.
Form of defense – dissertation work.
Language of defense – Kazakh.
Official reviewers:
1. Ibadullaeva Saltanat – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata (Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan). Specialty: 03.00.13 – physiology.
2. Begimbetova Dinara - PhD, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University (Astana, Kazakhstan). Specialty: molecular and Cellular Biology.
Scientific supervisors:
1. Abdreshov Serik – candidate of biological sciences, professor, leading researcher at the Institute of Genetics and Physiology of the CS MSHE RK (Almaty, Kazakhstan);
2. Vladimir Gorchakov – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Fundamental Medicine at the Zelman Institute of Medical Psychology of Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk, Russia).
Temporary members of the Dissertation Council:
1. Maimataeva Asiya – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Head of the Department of Biology at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (Almaty, Kazakhstan);
2. Spankulova Gulzhan Abikulkyzy - PhD, senior researcher of the laboratory of ecological and agricultural microbiology, research and production center of microbiology and virology (Almaty, Kazakhstan);
3. Vadim Nimaev - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Operative Lymphology and Lymphodetoxification at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology - branch of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia).
The defense will be held offline/online on January 24, 2025, at 11:00 at the dissertation Council at al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the group of specialty/educational program «6D061300, 8D05108 – Geobotany», «8D08401 – Fish Industry and Industrial Fishery», «8D05102 – Biomedicine» at the address: 050040, Almaty, 71 al-Farabi Avenue, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, room №214.
Connect to the Zoom Conference:
Conference ID: 929 1791 2930
Conclusion of the ethics commissions