The scientific activity of this laboratory is reduced to assessing the risks, primarily for respiratory health, from exposure to such common air pollutants as suspended particles.
The laboratory staff is engaged in conducting original clinical and epidemiological studies on risk assessment, as well as systematization of existing works by other scientists. The results of some of the laboratory's work have already been published in some leading international publications. A special place in the field of scientific interests of the laboratory staff belongs to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The laboratory is already involved in several joint international research projects with scientists from the United States of America, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and other countries. Laboratory staff regularly speak at international conferences on respiratory health, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the effects of occupational factors.
The goal is to improve the health of the working population through improving the quality and coverage of research on the health of the population and environmental conditions in the workplace
Research directions (tasks):
1. Cohort studies in occupational medicine, survival studies
2. Systematization of world experience in occupational medicine (systematic reviews and meta-analyses)
3. Hygienic (air pollution) research in occupational medicine
4. Population epidemiological studies (assessment of the risks of COPD and other diseases, primarily respiratory)
5. Professional burnout and its predictors
6. Methods of adaptation to hypoxia (highlands)
7. Study of the contribution of individual impacts (suspended particles, gas) and their interaction in dangerous professions
Vinnikov Denis Vladimirovich
MD, ass. professor
Denis Vladimirovich Vinnikov has been working as the head of the Research Laboratory of Health and Environment of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare of our Faculty since 2016. He also teaches at the Department of Health Policy and Organization. Vinnikov D.V.'s research interests include a very wide range of issues of occupational medicine, the influence of environmental factors on human health, pulmonology, assessment of the function of external respiration, and even such public health issues as professional burnout, lifestyle predictors, physical activity, and others. The scientific works of the scientist in the leading journals of the world have recently been particularly widely covering the issues of cohort studies of people working in harmful conditions, for example, in the highlands. It is important to note that Vinnikov D.V., in addition to clinical education and extensive experience, has a specialized education in public health in the direction of “the impact of environmental factors on human health” at the University of California Berkeley.
The scientist is known for being fluent in English, as well as its academic version, constantly working to improve his professional level, making annual reports at the congresses of the European Respiratory Society, of which he has been a “golden” member since 2001. Since 2018, he has been a national delegate of this society from Kazakhstan, and is also an active member of many professional medical communities and associations.
Dairuly Zhangir M.D., PhD
Researcher of the NIL "Health and Environment" of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
2000 – 2006 Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov
Faculty of Pediatrics, specialty – pediatrician
2009 – 2011. Master's degree on the basis of the Department of Kaz NMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov: "Policy and management of health care" in the specialty "Medicine". Dissertation topic: "The quality of life of older people in a megalopolis".
2017-2020 Doctoral studies at the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Evidence-based Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health of the Kazakh National University.