The purpose of the International Institute of Kipchak Studies is to conduct fundamental, priority and applied scientific research in the field of Kipchak studies, to identify the place and role of Kipchak tribes in the historical process of Eurasia. Formation of a database of written monuments on Kipchak studies, especially the most informative sources of the Muslim circle in Arabic, Persian and Turkic languages, stored in foreign manuscript collections and libraries.
Tasks of the International Institute of Kipchak Studies:The study of ethnogenesis, glottogenesis and cultural genesis of the Kazakh people on the basis of complex, interdisciplinary developments in Kipchak studies. Identification of the place and role of the Kipchaks in the genesis of the peoples of Central Asia and Eastern Europe
Participation in competitions in order to receive grants for conducting fundamental and applied research in the country and abroad. To ensure the attraction of financing (at the expense of grant financing, program-targeted financing, international funds and organizations, contractual works) at the rate of at least 2 million tenge per full-time employee.Training of scientific personnel of source-Kipchak scholars. To ensure the involvement of PhD doctoral students to perform research on a paid basis.
Coordination of the efforts of Kipchak scholars from near and far abroad and organizations interested in intensifying and improving the work of the Institute.
Organization of conferences and symposiums, internships, exchange of scientists, scientific expeditions, exhibitions, thematic meetings.
Conducting publishing activities and implementing joint publishing projects with similar organizations in the country and abroad.
Participation in competitions and grant, program-targeted programs; development of relations with other Centers, Institutes.
Conducting international conferences, lectures, round tables and seminars on topical scientific issues; education; various domestic, bilateral and international issues; business and trade potential, culture, tourism, etc.
Preparation of scientific articles, monographs, joint research of scientists of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Publication of articles in "non-predatory" Scopus journals in collaboration with a foreign scientist and/or other employees of the Institute.
Conclusion of agreements on scientific relations with similar research institutions of the republic, as well as foreign countries.

Director of the International Institute of Kipchak Studies - Kumekov Bulat Eshmukhambetovich Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, prominent scientist, historian-orientalist, specialist in the field of medieval history of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the Great Steppe of Eurasia, nomadic civilization, historical geography, cartography and source studies on Arabic, Persian and Turkic written monuments IX-XVII centuries . Contacts and cooperation have been established with scientific centers and scientists from the USA, Hungary, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, England, France, China, Japan, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine. B.E. Kumekov's scientific developments have received worldwide recognition. The Hirsch citation index is 10.

Kumykova R.B. Junior researcher - Arabist-orientalist.