Republican Research Center for the Study of World History. The director of the Center is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Emeritus Professor of the University of Göttingen (Germany), Academician Kalkaman Tursynovich Zhumagulov. The purpose of the Center is the development of world history based on modern methodological paradigms and tools, as well as showing the role and place of the Turkic world and Kazakhstan in the world-historical process.
Scientific fundamental and applied research on planned and initiative topics;
Scientific and organizational work on the conference at the faculty and the participation of the teaching staff in conferences organized and held outside the university and abroad;
Development of scientific relations with universities of the republic, as well as scientific centers and educational institutions of the near and far abroad;
activation of the participation of teaching staff in grant and program-targeted state budget financing programs, contractual projects.
development of international cooperation with leading foreign research centers and universities for the purpose of participation of teaching staff in international projects;
Zhumagulov Kalkaman Tursynovich
Director of the Republican Research Center for the Study of World History
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Honorary Professor University of Göttingen (Germany)
Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University