About ethno-expedition

The Department of Archaeology, Ethnology and Museology of the Faculty of History annually conducts scientific field ethnographic expeditions in order to study ethnographic monuments.
Ethnographic expeditions: "Syr-Aral – 2012 - 2014"; "Arid zones of Kazakhstan – 2018-2020"; "Moyinkum, Kyzylkum – 2021-2023".
Scientific supervisor of the field ethnographic expedition: Professor of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnology and Museology, Candidate of Historical Sciences Kartaeva Tattigul.
The virtual photo exhibition "ETHNOEXPEDITION" introduces both general patterns and regional features and local specifics of the traditional knowledge of the Kazakh people related to the development of the surrounding nature, the manufacture and installation of the traditional dwelling kiiz uy (yurta), the culture of decorating the dome of the yurta – shanyrak, as well as methods of water use, in particular, digging and arranging wells The walls of which were reinforced with stone, brick, as well as branches of trees and shrubs such as willow, heather, saxaul and tamarix.
In the course of ethnoexpedition studies, along with the existing types of active wells, some types of old-timers wells that are endangered and require immediate protection were also identified. Photographs showing such forms of economic activity as the construction of cattle pens, animal accounting, for example, tagging camels, as well as housekeeping and observance of rituals are presented on the example of the life and way of life of Kazakhs living in the territory of Northern Kyzylkum, Aralsk and Mangystau.
Special attention is paid to the preservation of ethnographic monuments in sacred places of the Syr-Aral and western regions of Kazakhstan – mausoleums, types of stone tombstones – kulpytas, sandyktas, koytas, koshkartas, as well as types of stone carvings, as unique examples of ancient decorative and applied art of the Kazakh people.