1.1. The Academic Policy defines the basic concepts, organization, and conditions for the implementation of educational programmes at all levels of study (higher and postgraduate education).

1.2. The Academic Policy is intended for students, faculty, managers, and employees of structural divisions of the Non-Profit Joint Stock Company «Al-Farabi Kazakh National University» hereinafter – University), as well as other stakeholders.

1.3. The academic policy was developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" dated July 27, 2007 No. 319-III., Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 2 dated July 20, 2022 "On approval of state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education ”, by Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2018 No. 595 “On Approval of the Model Rules for the Activities of Educational Organizations of the Relevant Types and Types” and other applicable laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – MSHE RK) and internal documents of the University.

1.4. The status of the Academic Policy is enshrined in paragraphs 21, 22, and paragraph 40 of Chapter 2 "Operating procedure for the activities of organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education" of the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2018, No. 595 "On approval of the Standard Rules for the activities of educational organizations of the respective types and kinds.

1.5. The Academic Policy may be revised in case of changes of regulatory legal acts, governing educational activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, changes in the Charter and the Development programme of the University, as well as on the basis of the University Academic Council resolution.

2.1. Academic Freedom – a set of powers of the subjects of the educational process, granted to them for independent determination of the content of education in the disciplines of the component of choice, additional types of education and organization of educational activities in order to create conditions for the creative development of students, professors, and the use of innovative technologies and teaching methods.

2.2. Academic Calendar - a calendar of training and monitoring activities, practices during the academic year; it also indicates the days off (vacation and holidays).

2.3. Academic Credit is a unified unit for measuring the volume of scientific and (or) educational work (load) of a student and (or) a professor.

2.4. The Academic Council is a body of collegiate managing of educational and methodological work of the University.

2.5. Academic Mobility is the movement of students to study, professors to conduct research for a certain academic period (semester or academic year) to another higher and (or) postgraduate educational institutions (HPEI) (within the country or abroad) with binding transfer credits for acquired educational programmes, disciplines at the University.

2.6. Examination Commission (EC) – a commission for conducting the qualification examination of students in educational programmes or fields of study. It should be endorsed by the order of the Chairman of the Board–Rector, or by a person replacing him, consist of a chairperson who is not a professor or employee of the University, and members of the commission, who are the leading representatives of the academic staff.

2.7. Grading System of students’ achievements – a system for assessing the level of educational achievements in points corresponding to the internationally accepted letter system with a digital equivalent and allowing to set up the rating of students.

2.8. The Department of Academic Affairs (DAA) is a structural subdivision that organizes and coordinates educational and methodological work at the University.

2.9. Dual Diploma Education – the possibility of studying in two educational programmes and curricula in order to obtain two equivalent diplomas or one main and a second additional one.

2.10. Distance Learning - learning carried out with the interaction of a professor and students, separated by distance, with the use of various technologies and telecommunication means.

2.11. Complementary Educational programme (Minor) - a set of disciplines and (or) modules and other types of educational work, determined by students for study in order to form additional competencies.

2.12. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a way of transferring credits received by a student abroad into credits that count towards their degree upon returning to their educational institution, as well as accumulating credits within educational programmes.

2.13. Individual curriculum (IC) is a document that reflects the educational trajectory of a student; it is compiled by students under the guidance of their adviser for each of the academic years based on an educational programme and a catalogue of elective disciplines.

2.14. Inclusive education is a process that provides equal access to education for all students, taking into account special educational needs and individual opportunities.

2.15. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of software algorithms that allows you to simulate a number of functional capabilities of the human brain in a dynamic computing environment, including the creation of text, graphics, audio, multimedia materials and documents that are identical or partially identical to those created by teachers and students.

2.16. A research university is a university that implements a five-year development programme approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and uses the results of its activities to integrate education and science, generate and transfer new knowledge and technologies.

2.17. Qualification Examination is a procedure carried out to determine the degree of acquiring academic disciplines and (or) modules by students as well as other types of educational activities provided for by the educational programme.

2.18. Final Examination – monitoring students learning achievements in order to assess the quality of acquiring the academic discipline programme; it is carried out during the period of interim attestation in the form of an exam; if the discipline is studied over several academic periods, then the final monitoring can be carried out on the part of the discipline studied in this academic period.

2.19. The Academic Credit System is an educational system aimed at increasing the level of self-education and creative development of knowledge. It is based on individualization, elective educational trajectory, and considering the amount of acquired educational material as credits.

2.20. Credit Mobility is related to outward student mobility when student’s study abroad experience for a limited period of study can accrue credits towards the qualification they are undertaking at the University (after the mobility phase, students return to their educational institution to complete their studies).

2.21. A Module is an autonomous structural element of an educational programme that is complete in terms of learning outcomes and has clearly defined knowledge, skills, competencies acquired by students, as well as adequate assessment criteria.

2.22. Modular Learning is a method of organizing the educational process based on the modular construction of the educational programme, curriculum, and academic disciplines.

2.23. Educational programme (hereinafter - EP) – a common set of basic characteristics of education, including the goals, results and content of learning, the organization of the educational process, techniques and methods of their implementation, criteria for evaluating learning outcomes.

2.24. The Main Educational programme (Major) is an educational programme determined by students for study in order to form key competencies.

2.25. The Office of the Registrar is an academic service which records the entire history of a student's educational achievements and provides the organization of all types of monitoring and calculation of their academic rating.

2.26. Transferable GPA score is the grade point average of student’s grades annually established for each of the academic year for transfer to the following academic year.

2.27. Credit Transfer - recognition of the equivalence the volume and content of disciplines or research work studied / conducted by students in another educational organization to the disciplines / research work programme according to the EP curriculum of the University transferring into the student’s transcript in the Information System (IS) Univer the credits and grades for these disciplines /research work on the basis of a document (transcript) from the HPEI where the student was within the academic mobility programme.

2.28. Postrequisites – disciplines and (or) modules and other types of educational work, the study of which requires knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies acquired upon completion of the study of this discipline and (or) modules.

2.29. Interim attestation of students’ achievements is a procedure carried out during the final examination period in order to assess the quality of mastering by students the content of part or the entire volume of the discipline upon its completion by students.

2.30. Prerequisites – disciplines and (or) modules and other types of educational work containing knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies necessary for acquiring the current discipline and (or) modules.

2.31. Learning Outcomes – the amount of knowledge, abilities, and skills acquired, demonstrated by students upon mastering the educational programme confirmed by the assessment, as well as the values and attitudes formed.

2.32. The Register of Educational programmes is an information system of the authorized body in the field of education, which includes a list of educational programmes developed by HPEI.

 2.33. GPA (Grade Point Average) is a weighted average of graded achievements of a student for a certain period in the selected programme (the ratio of the sum of converted credits to the digital equivalent of the points of the final assessment for all types of academic work to the total number of credits for these types of work for this period of study).

2.34. Transcript – a document that contains a list of acquired disciplines and (or) modules, and other types of educational work, with credits and grades indicated, for the corresponding period of study.

2.35. Curriculum – an educational document that regulates the structure and scope of educational programmes (EP) by disciplines cycles, indicating the list and minimum number of discipline credits concerning the mandatory component, all types of practices, and final certification; it is to be approved by the Academic Council of the University.

2.36. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are globally accepted goals aimed at eliminating poverty and misery, combating inequality and injustice, as well as protecting the planet and ensuring peace and prosperity for the entire population.

3.1. The University has the status of a research university and it is an organization of higher and postgraduate education that implements the University development program approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and participates in the organization and conduct of fundamental, applied scientific research and other scientific and technical, experimental design work.

3.2. The main task of the research university is the integration of scientific activity and the educational process at all levels of higher and postgraduate education.

3.3. The research university independently develops and implements the standards of educational programs for higher and postgraduate education. The requirements for the conditions of implementation and the results of the development of educational programs cannot be lower than the corresponding programs of higher and postgraduate education established by state standards.

3.4. A research university has the right to establish additional requirements for a profile orientation during enrolling in higher and postgraduate education programs.

3.5. The University is aware of the importance for the present and future of society of re-evaluating, rethinking and reconsidering education, so that, as a result, education embraces as many principles, knowledge, skills, beliefs and values related to achieving the SDGs and ensuring sustainability in all three areas: ecology, society and economy.

3.6. The process of updating education should be of a global interdisciplinary nature, and the general public should participate in it. Education for sustainable development is designed to teach people from different walks of life to anticipate, overcome and solve problems that threaten the sustainable development of all spheres of human activity. In this regard, the University integrates the topic of sustainable development into educational programmes, conducts educational and informational work at the University level, local, national and international levels.

4.1. Admission to the University is carried out according to educational programmes of higher (bachelor's) and postgraduate education (master's, doctoral studies), included in the Register of educational programmes of the Higher Education Development National Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - MSHE RK).

4.2. Admission to the University of foreign citizens is carried out according to educational programs of higher (bachelor's) and postgraduate education (master's, doctoral studies) twice a year (summer enrollment and winter enrollment), the terms of which are determined by the admission committee on the basis of the relevant regulatory legal acts.

4.3. Upon admission, students are enrolled in the EP from the group of educational programmes (hereinafter referred to as GEP) according to a personal application. Advice to students on the choice of an educational programme is provided by faculty consultants at the University Admissions Committee.

4.4. The University determines a cut-off point for applicants, taking into consideration the specifics of the field of study. Applicants who have met a requirement of passing threshold point established by the University in accordance with Appendix 2 of the Rules of admission to study at the NJSC Al-Farabi Kazakh National University are enrolled.

4.5. Enrollment into a cohort of students is carried out by order of the Chairman of the Board- Rector, or by a person replacing him, in accordance with the "Standard Rules for admission to study in organizations implementing educational programmes of higher and postgraduate education", approved by order of the MES RK №600 dated 31.10.2018.

5.1. Training of specialists at the University is carried out according to educational programmes of higher (bachelor's) and postgraduate education (master's, doctoral studies).

5.2. The University implements double-degree and joint EPs in partnership with universities that are in the top 300 international/republican/subject rankings and are members of the network universities of the SCO and the CIS.

5.3. The content of the bachelor's degree programme consists of disciplines of three cycles:

- general education disciplines (hereinafter - GED),

- basic disciplines (hereinafter - BD)

- major disciplines (hereinafter - MD).

The GED cycle includes the disciplines of the compulsory component (hereinafter - CC), the university component (hereinafter - UC) and (or) the elective component (hereinafter - EC). The BD and MD cycles include the disciplines of UC and EC.

5.4. The content of the educational programme of the master's programme consists of:
- theoretical training, including the study of cycles of basic and major disciplines;
- practical training of graduates: various types of practices, scientific or professional internships;
- research work, including the implementation of a master's thesis, - for a scientific and pedagogical master's programme, or for experimental research work, including the implementation of a master's project, - for a specialized master's programme;

- qualification examination.

The cycles of BD and MD include the disciplines of UC, EC.

5.5. The content of EP of the doctoral study consists of:

- theoretical training, including the study of cycles of basic and major disciplines;

- practice (pedagogical and research - for students under the Ph.D. programme, industrial - for students under the specialized doctoral programme);

- research work of a doctoral student, including the completion of a doctoral dissertation, scientific internship, scientific seminars, publication of scientific results of a dissertation;

- qualification examination.

The cycles of BD and MD of theoretical training include the disciplines of UC, EC, and practice. In doing so, the ratio of BD and MD is determined independently by the University.

5.6. The term of the study on EP of the bachelor's, master's and doctoral programmes is determined by the amount of acquired academic credits. Upon acquiring the established number of academic credits and achieving the expected learning outcomes for obtaining the appropriate degree, the EP is considered to be fully acquired.

5.7. The main criterion for the completion of training is:

- for EP of the bachelor's degree - the development by students of at least 240 academic credits for the entire period of study, including all types of student’s educational activities.

- for EP of the scientific and pedagogical master’s programme - the development by the undergraduate of at least 120 academic credits for the entire period of study, including all types of educational and scientific activities of the graduate;

- for EP of the specialized master's programme - the development by a graduate student of at least 60 academic credits with a study period of 1 year and at least 90 academic credits with a study period of 1.5 years; 

- for EP of doctoral studies - the development by a doctoral student of at least 180 academic credits, including all types of educational and scientific activities.

5.8. On the basis of EP, curricula are formed (implementation plan of study, student’s individual plan of study) and training programmes for academic disciplines (syllabi) are developed.

5.9. Allocation of credits by hours for all types of educational activities, teachers are recommended to use the following layout:

- for each credit (30 hours) it is necessary to allocate 9-10 hours (30-33%) for classroom work;

- out of the remaining 21-20 hours allocated for extracurricular work, up to 5 hours (25%) for the IW, the rest of the hours - for the IWT.

The proposed allocation to the IW and IWT is advisory in nature. It is allowed to change the ratio of hours of IW and IW at the initiative of the teacher.

5.10. EPs are developed at the University by academic committees established in the areas of personnel training, which consist of the representatives of academic personnel, employers, students.

5.11. EPs must necessarily be included in the Registry of educational programmes of the Unified Platform of Higher Education (UPHE) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, since the presence of EP in the Registry is one of the criteria for obtaining a state educational order.

5.12. The EP might be excluded from the Registry in accordance with the resolutions of the Academic Council the University under the following conditions:

- lack of enrollment of applicants for the EP throughout three years;

- negative conclusion of the accreditation agency;

- 50% and below employment of alumni;

- the results of the evaluation of the quality of the EP.

In accordance with the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 12, 2022 No. 106 "On approval of the Rules for maintaining the register of educational programs implemented by organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education, as well as the grounds for inclusion in the register of educational programs and exclusion from it".

6.1. Planning of educational activities is carried out on the basis of the academic calendar, which reflects the periods of all types of training and monitoring activities, practices during the academic year, and also indicates the days off (vacation and holidays).

6.2. The academic calendar is developed for the academic year, approved by the decision of the Academic Council of the University.

6.3. The academic calendar reflects the periods of training sessions, interim and final attestation, professional practice, and other types of educational work during the academic year, as well as the days off (vacation and holidays). Changes to the academic calendar of the current academic year might be made at the request of the DAA in case of a justified need.

6.4. The academic year consists of academic semesters lasting, as a rule, at least 15 weeks, periods of interim attestation (final examination period) and final attestation (thesis defense) lasting up to seven weeks, periods of professional practice and holidays, the duration of which is at least seven weeks in the academic year. Each academic period ends with an interim examination of students, each academic discipline is studied throughout one academic period and ends with a final examination.

*With modular training, the periods of study for each module / discipline of the EP in the direction of Health Care (“General Medicine”, “Nursing”, “Dentistry”, “Formation”, etc.) are determined by a separate academic calendar.

6.5. A summer semester lasting at least 6 weeks (with the exception for graduating students) is organized during the vacation period to meet the needs for additional education, eliminating academic debts or differences in curricula, studying academic disciplines and acquiring credits for students in other educational organizations with binding transfer at the University, increasing GPA, acquiring a related or additional educational programme, including within the framework of a double-degree education.

6.6. Class schedules and final monitoring (final examination periods) must be approved by the deans of the faculties in agreement with the Center for Situational Management and brought to the attention of students no later than two weeks before the start of the corresponding period.

6.7. Students are required to carry out all types of educational and monitoring activities, practices strictly within the time limits stipulated by the academic calendar, with the exception for business trips abroad under academic mobility programmes or for health issues. In these cases, students perform educational and monitoring activities, practices on an individual schedule in accordance with the order of the dean of the faculty.

6.8. Professors are obliged to carry out all types of training and monitoring activities in a timely manner within the time limits established by the academic calendar.

6.9. Departments that allow professors systematically to safe untimely the statements of midterm and final monitoring in IS Univer receive penalty points in the rating system for ranking the activities of departments.

6.10. Monitoring of the educational classes is carried out by the Center for Situational Management of the University. Selective monitoring of educational classes by DAA is allowed. Monitoring of the conduct of educational classes under no circumstances should interfere with the educational process and cause inconvenience to a professor and / or students.

6.11. A professor is personally responsible for timely informing the head of their department about the need to replace / extend the periods for the implementation of educational and monitoring activities, practice, or the need to appoint another teacher with appropriate qualifications due to their absence for health issues, business trip, etc.

6.12. All educational classes within the approved schedule, which did not take place due to a valid excuse, must be held according to a separate schedule approved by the dean of the faculty.

7.1. Information about the disciplines submitted for registration, including a brief description,

learning outcomes, prerequisite, and post requisite, is contained in the catalogue of disciplines (modules) and is posted in the IS Univer and on the University's website. Before the start of registration, the heads of graduating departments organize preliminary methodological and advisory work on the choice of disciplines by students.

7.2. Students independently determine the learning paths aimed at achieving learning outcomes in the EP except for the disciplines of the GED cycle. The student chooses to study the required number of compulsory, university, and optional components (modules), which are reflected in the Individual curriculum (IC). The student is personally responsible for compiling the IC and the completeness of mastering the course of study following the requirements of the curriculum of EP.

7.3. The maximum number of credits included in the student's IC must correspond to the number of credits established by the curriculum for the current semester and year of study, respectively.

7.4. The choice of disciplines (modules) should be carried out with mandatory consideration of the sequence of studying disciplines. A student may not be registered for a discipline if he/she has not mastered the prerequisite to the discipline in the previous semester.

7.5. When determining an individual learning trajectory within the framework of the university component and (or) the elective component, the student chooses disciplines for the main EP (Major) and (or) additional EP (Minor) following Paragraph 12, Chapter 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 2 dated 20.07.2022 "On approval of state mandatory standards of higher and postgraduate education".

7.6. Registration is done based on the EP and the catalogue of disciplines in the IS Univer online mode under the registration schedule approved by the Dean of the Faculty.

7.7. Academic streams and groups are formed based on a sufficient number of students enrolled in a given discipline and with a given teacher. The occupancy of academic streams and groups is determined by the University.

7.8. In case the number of students registered for the discipline is less than the minimum established, the discipline is not opened. The students who have registered for the discipline shall be informed and offered to re-select the discipline within 3 days after the end of the registration.

7.9. Registration for the summer semester is carried out at the end of the spring semester, except for graduate students. There is no summer semester for graduate students.

7.10. The Registrar's Office organises the registration for the disciplines with the involvement of the editors. Registration is organised strictly during the extracurricular time in specially prepared computer classrooms approved by the order of the Dean of the Faculty. Each student is assigned an ID number (login).

7.11. The IC is generated in IS Univer automatically after the discipline registration procedure is completed. Approval of the IC by the student, the academic advisor, the Dean of the Faculty, and the supervising officer of the Registrar's Office is also done electronically in the IS Univer, where the IC is stored until the end of the term of study.

7.12. The student's IC is registered in the system under a personal identification number ID. The student has the right to change individual disciplines of the IC within the catalogue of disciplines of the EP before the start of theoretical training in agreement with the Registrar's Office.

7.13. Students, whose training is carried out based on a contract for the provision of educational services for a fee, can form an IC with a smaller number of disciplines than provided for by the curriculum, while at the same time increasing the duration of training.

7.14. On return from academic leave, reinstatement, or transfer from another educational programme of higher and postgraduate education (OHPE), the Registrar's Office registers students according to personal applications in previously formed disciplinary streams/groups, with preference given to groups with a smaller number of students.

8.1. The educational environment of the university is conceived to be a safe place, where support and equal attitude of the teacher to all the students and the equal attitude of the students to each other regardless of the gender, race and ethnicity, religious views, socioeconomic background, physical health of the student etc. are always present.

8.2. The teachers and the employees of the University must know, react and guide those students who need support.

8.3. The value of a human does not depend on their abilities of achievements. Every human is able to think and feel. Every human has the right to communicate and the right to be heard. The true education can only be carried out in the context of the true mutual trust-based cautious relationships between the teacher and the students and among the students too.

8.4. All the people need support and friendship from their coevals and course mates. The diversity empowers all the spheres of life.

8.5. The teacher includes the main principles of the inclusive education, which should signalize about the adherence of the teacher to the principle of the inclusive teaching – the creation of a propitious environment for all the students, into the syllabus.

8.6. The university provides special conditions for the students who have development disabilities so that they can get the education and also provides the conditions for the correction of development disorders and social adaptation on all the levels of the education by fulfilling the purposes of the inclusive development.

8.7. The university has an anti-discrimination policy - bullying and harassment are categorically unacceptable. If the student noticed a case of bullying/harassment, he needs to report it to the teacher. If illegal actions are committed by a teacher, the student must inform the curator-advisor, the deputy dean for educational, methodological and educational work, and the dean of the faculty about this.

9.1. The students must attend all the types of lessons in accordance with the approved schedule. Missing the lessons without an admissible excuse, which must be documented, is not allowed.

9.2. Admissible excuses for missing lessons may be such as:

 – medical indications confirmed by a certificate of health provided to the Dean of the Faculty within 3 days after it was received from a medical institution;

 – departure on a international secondment confirmed by a international secondment order;

 – educational or business trip confirmed by the order on business trip;

 – participation in sports and other events of the republican level with the consent of the University administration;

 – other documented circumstances.

9.3. Students who have missed 72 or more hours of lessons without an admissible excuse during one academic period (semester) are subject to expulsion from the university, on the recommendation of the Ethics Council of the relevant faculty (if there is a disciplinary sanction).

9.4. Students who do not attend lessons for more than 5 weeks for health reasons must issue an academic leave in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2018 No. 595 "On Approval of the Model Rules for the Activities of Educational Organizations of the Relevant Types and Forms."

9.5. In emergency situations (pandemics, etc.)  students must comply with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological regime (SER) in accordance with the approved "Regulations for ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological regime (SER)" and the recommendations of authorized bodies in the field of health and science and higher education.

9.6. If the number of missed lessons with an admissible excuse does not exceed 50% of lesson in the discipline, then compulsory summer internship is allowed. A student who has missed the lessons sessions submits an appropriate application in the name of the dean of the faculty with the attachment of supporting documents. By order of the dean of the faculty, an individual schedule for compulsory summer internship of the missed lessons is approved.

9.7. If more than 50% of lessons of the discipline are missed, with the exception of documented admissible excuse for the missing, the student automatically receives an "F" - "unsatisfactory" score and is not allowed to the final control of the discipline.

9.8. Distance learning technologies in the educational process of the University are implemented in accordance with the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 20, 2015 No. 137 "On approval of the requirements for educational organizations to provide distance learning and the rules for organizing the educational process in distance learning and in the form of online study on the educational programs of higher and (or) postgraduate education."

9.9. The organization of the educational process using distance learning technologies takes place in accordance with the Rules for the organization of learning using DLT.

9.10. The University allows the use of distance learning technologies (DLT) in relation to the following students:

Maximum allowable volume for transfer to the DLT*

Student category

The maximum volume from the total volume of academic credits for the period of study


Those who have medical assessment of the medical advisory commission on the state of health

No more than 50%


Participants of international, republican training camps, sports competitions, intellectual and creative competitions and festivals for the period of participation.

No more than 50%


Those who are studying in academic mobility programs.

No more than 20%



Those who are studying in two-degree programs

and student exchange programs.

No more than 50%


Those who master individual disciplines through the informal education of adults, including through the MOOC.

No more than 20%


Those who are studying on the EP’s in the fields of pedagogical sciences,

law, aviation engineering and technology, construction, marine engineering and technology, healthcare, military science.

No more than 20%


Those who are studying on the EP’s which are not in the fields of pedagogical sciences,

law, aviation engineering and technology, construction, marine engineering and technology, healthcare, military science.

No more than 50%

* Other conditions for the organization of training using the DLT are determined by means of regulatory and permitting documents of the faculties.

9.11. Students are obliged to attend lessons using the DLT: in synchronous form - in accordance with the schedule, in asynchronous form - in accordance with the deadlines (deadline for completing the task) established by the teacher.

9.12. To register for studying with the DLT, the student submits a corresponding application addressed to the Member of the Board-Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs with visas of the head of the graduating department and dean of the faculty. The transfer to studying with the use of the DLT is formalized by order of the Chairman of the Management Board-Rector, or a person replacing them.

9.13. Direct support of the studying process is carried out by an online course tutor - a teacher or a faculty specialist who does not hold a leadership position.

9.14. Students who have returned from a trip abroad on academic mobility, who have an academic debt as a result of the trip, submit an application to the dean of the faculty to study the relevant disciplines according to an individual curriculum. At the same time, they must pass the final exams in the disciplines of the academic debt.

9.15. Lessons for the persons who have time limitations of health opportunities and are not able to be regularly present on the territory of the University are organized through an asynchronous and/or synchronous learning format based on the decision of the Dean of the Faculty.


10.1. Scientific research (experimental research) work of students is an independent study under the guidance of a supervisor (consultant) of an actual problem in the field of science corresponding to the profile of the educational program being mastered by the student. Based on the results of the research (experimental research) work, the student publishes scientific papers in scientific journals, and also submits a final work (thesis/project, master's thesis/project, doctoral dissertation) for public defense.

10.2. In order to carry out the research (experimental research) work, master's students and doctoral students, in addition to the IC, draw up and approve individual work plans for the entire learning period, including an individual plan for research/experimental research work; a plan for the passage of practices; the topic of the dissertation with justification and structure; a plan for the completion of the dissertation; plan of scientific publications and internships.

10.3. Credits for the implementation of research (experimental research) work of undergraduates and doctoral students are distributed among the semesters of study.

10.4. At the end of each academic period, undergraduates and doctoral students make a presentation of the results of the work at a meeting of the graduating department in the presence of a scientific adviser/scientific consultants. The rules for intermediate certification of the results of research work of undergraduates and doctoral students are regulated by the Procedures "Scientific Research work of a master student" and "Scientific Research work of a doctoral student."  

10.5. Undergraduates and doctoral students, within the framework of the individual work plan, must undergo a mandatory internship on the topic of dissertation research, as a rule, in the leading OHPE and/or a large research center. The rules for organizing and completing a scientific internship by masters and doctoral students are regulated by the "Regulations on the magistracy of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" "Regulations on doctoral studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University," "Regulations on academic mobility."

10.6. According to continuous integrated medical educational programs within the framework of experimental research work (hereinafter referred to as the ERW), an individual work plan for a student to familiarize himself with innovative technologies and new types of production provides for compulsory scientific internship in scientific organizations and (or) organizations of the healthcare industry.

10.7. Students are responsible for timely high-quality performance of all types of work related to research, research practices and internships, preparation of graduation work for public protection, in strict accordance with the IEP and the academic calendar.

10.8. Students, the results of scientific research (experimental research) work of which are assessed as unsatisfactory, master the corresponding credits in the next academic period on a paid basis.

10.9. Mandatory requirements and procedure for the implementation of post-graduate education, as well as issues related to the appointment of scientific leaders/consultants, the procedure for conducting scientific research (experimental research) work of master's students and doctoral students are regulated by the following internal documents: 

– Regulations on Master's Degree at al-Farabi Kazakh National University;

– Provision on doctoral studies at al-Farabi Kazakh National University;

– Regulation "On Qualification Requirements for Heads of Thesis/Projects at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University";

– Regulation "On Qualification Requirements for Scientific Managers of Master's Theses/Projects at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University";

–  Regulation "On qualification requirements for scientific consultants of doctoral students at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University";

–  Procedure "Scientific Research work of a master's student";

–  Procedure "Scientific Research work of a doctoral student";

–  Code of Ethics of a scientist of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

11.1. To evaluate the educational achievements of students and the formation of the expected learning results, the following types of control are provided:

– Monitoring; 

– Midterm control;

– Final control (final exam).

11.2. Monitoring - a systematic examination of the knowledge of students in accordance with the syllabus, which is carried out by the teacher in classroom and non-audience classes during the academic period. Points for the performance of the monitoring tasks are distributed in the discipline syllabus by weeks according to the number and degree of complexity of the tasks performed.

Assessment  points of the monitoring are set in the attendance page in the Univer system in strict accordance with the maximum possible number of points for the corresponding learning week according to the syllabus of the discipline. The number of points given in the qualification week cannot exceed the maximum allowed number set in the discipline syllabus for the corresponding week.

11.3. Midterm control (RK) - the control of educational achievements of students within the framework of the educational discipline, carried out according to the academic calendar. The University has two boundary controls (MC1 and MC2):

MC1 assesses performance in the first 7 weeks of the semester;

MC2 estimates academic performance for the period from the 8th to the 15th weeks of the semester.

* In modular learning, the MC1 and MC2 periods for each discipline are determined by a separate academic calendar.

11.4. The midterm control assessment  points are set in the midterm control list in the Univer system until 23.59 on Saturday of the corresponding certification week specified in the academic calendar. It is not allowed to change the MC1 and MC2 points after the final control is passed.

* In modular learning, the MC1 and MC2 periods for each discipline are determined by a separate academic calendar.

11.5. The form of monitoring and midterm control is established by the teacher, included in the syllabus of the discipline and communicated to the students.

11.6. The final control in the discipline is carried out in the form of a final exam. The final exam in the discipline is held during the period of intermediate certification (examination session), lasting at least 2 weeks..

The final control in the discipline is carried out, as a rule, by the teacher of this discipline. The form/platform of the final exam for each academic discipline is determined by the teacher, included in the syllabus of the discipline, brought to the attention of students no later than a month after the beginning of the academic period and entered by the Univer system. When preparing tasks for monitoring, midterm and final control, the teacher can use systems using artificial intelligence (chat bots) indicating links to the systems used, as auxiliary tools in the formation of tasks, in the Final Control Program for discipline. The results of the final exam are entered in a separate examination sheet in the Univer system. Assessment  points of the final control are entered into the Univer system by the teacher-examiner in this discipline within 48 hours after the end of the exam.

* In modular learning, the periods of final control for each discipline are determined by the separate academic calendar.

11.7. If the teacher integrates online courses into the educational process (if there is an approved integration map), students can choose an alternative exam as a form of final control in this discipline - transfer of the certificates of online courses. The alternative exam is carried out in accordance with the approved regulations, which is enshrined in the Instructions for final control using distance learning technologies.

11.8. Assessment of learning results is carried out in accordance with the University's Learning Results Assessment Policy. The assessment of the monitoring is 60% of the final assessment of knowledge in the discipline, the assessment of the final exam is 40% of the final assessment in the discipline.

All types of control assume evaluation within the 100-point scale. The maximum performance indicator for discipline midterm controls is a maximum of 100 points for each midterm control, including the results of monitoring.

11.9. Educational achievements (knowledge, skills and competencies) of students are evaluated in points on a 100-point scale, corresponding to the letter system with a digital equivalent adopted in international practice.


Point-rating letter system for assessing the accounting of educational achievements of students with their translation into the traditional rating scale and ECTS

Letter System Evaluation

Numeric equivalent

Points (percentage)

Traditional rating scale









































11.10. Educational achievements of students in languages ​ ​ (Kazakh, foreign, Russian) are evaluated in accordance with the point-rating letter system for assessing educational achievements of students in foreign languages ​ ​ in accordance with the level model and translation into ECTS and the traditional scale.

The level and description of language proficiency correspond to the European competence in foreign language proficiency (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) in accordance with Appendix 2 to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2018 No. 595 "On the approval of the Standard Rules for the Activities of Educational Organizations of the Relevant Types and Forms."

11.11. For students who have registered for the discipline as a auditor and attend the discipline without receiving a final assessment, the Audit (AU) is awarded - "listened." Auditors of disciplines can be both students of the University and persons who are not enrolled in the number of students at the University who have paid for learning this discipline. Audition of disciplines is paid in full at the cost established at the University

 The assessment "Audit" (AU) - "listened" can be entered into the transcript of the student based on the results of training in another OHPE. In this case, the graduating department should issue a submission for the inclusion of the discipline in the transcript, which should indicate the name of the discipline listened to in another OHPE in three languages ​ ​ (state, Russian and English) and the number of credits. The personal statement of the student is attached to the submission.

11.12. If the student scored at least 50 points on midterm controls during the semester and did not attend the exam with a documented admissible excise, the "I" grade (Incomplete) - "not completed" is put.

11.13. Students who scored at least 50 points according to the results of two midterm controls ((MC1 + MC2 )/2) are allowed to the final control. The maximum score for the final exam is 100 points.

11.14. Admission to the examination session is formalized by order of the Dean of the Faculty.  The following ones are not allowed to the final control (examination):

– students who scored less than 50 points based on the results of boundary controls (MC1 + MC2 )/2;

– students who have more than 50% of absences of lessons in the discipline without a admissible excuse;

– students who are studying on the basis of the contract of paid provision of educational services, who have arrears in payment for learning, accommodation.

11.15. In order to obtain the "I" grade, a student who has not passed the final exam in the discipline submits an application for consideration by the Dean of the Faculty indicating the reasons for missing the exam and attaching the original supporting documents (certificates) no later than 3 working days from the date of the exam or the date of issuing a certificate of impossibility to attend the exam for health reasons. If a miss of the exam is recognized with an admissible excuse, the student is given a grade "I" and an individual schedule for passing the exam is established in the period after the examination session by order of the dean of the faculty.

The Dean sends the above documents electronically to the Registrar's Office through the electronic document management system for admission of the student to the "I" pass. If a student with an "Incomplete" rating fails to meet all requirements within a specified period of time (not later than 35 days after the end of the session), the Registrar's Office transfers the "I" rating to "F," i.e. "unsatisfactory." A student who does not agree with the result of the final control in the discipline (assessment for the exam) has the right to submit a reasoned written application within three working days after the results of the exam are presented in the electronic register in Univer system according to Chapter 3 of the Rules for Final Control (Examination Session).

11.16. The grade "AU," "F" can be changed by re-passing the discipline, but they are all entered into the transcript, along with the changed grade, with the GPA calculated from the last received grade.

11.17. In case of obtaining the "unsatisfactory" grade corresponding to the "FX" grade (25-49), the student has the opportunity to retake the final control on a paid basis without re-passing the curriculum/module program within a specially designated time period immediately after the examination session during which this rating was obtained.

11.18. If the student is evaluated with 0-49 points in foreign languages (according to Appendix 2 to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2018 No. 595.) their grade will be equal to "F" and the student  is re-recorded in this educational discipline on a paid basis, attends all types of training sessions, performs all types of educational work according to the program and retakes the final control. 

11.19. When restoring and transferring from another OHPE, the previously obtained grade "F" ("unsatisfactory") is entered into the Univer system on the proposal of the dean through the "Salem Office" as its academic history and is formalized as a retake.

11.20. If a "F" grade is obtained or "FX" is repeated during the "FX" grade retake, the student on a paid basis is re-enrolled in this learning discipline/module, attends all types of learning sessions, performs all types of studies according to the program and retakes the final control.

11.21. If the student did not appear in the established period for retaking the FX grade, this grade is translated into the F grade ("unsatisfactory"), and subsequently is considered an academic debt, for the elimination of which the student needs to attend all types of lessons on a paid basis in the next semester, perform all types of discipline study according to the program and pass the final exam.

11.22. Retaking an exam with an "FX" grade is allowed only once. Appeal of the exam results and retake of the "FX" grade (if necessary) for students who passed the exam to translate the "I" grade into the standard one are carried out in the above order. If the student drops out of the University before the end of the established deadline for correcting the assessment, the "I" score remains unchanged in the transcript.

11.23. A student who violates the requirements of the Final Control Rules (use of unauthorized auxiliary means, cell phones, coming late without a admissible excuse etc.), the F rating is automatically set on the basis of a violation report recorded by the Situation Management Center. The act is not a subject to appeal.

The work of a student who violated the requirements of the "Rules for conducting final control" in written online exams by using artificial intelligence systems when forming an answer should be analyzed in detail by the teacher - examiner for confirmation (refutation) of the use of AI systems in preparing an answer. After analysis, the teacher prepares an expert opinion on the work of the student in which he makes a detailed argument in favor of canceling (or admitting for assessment) the work of the student.

Based on the expert opinion, a canceled (or appealed) grade is made to Univer system after submission by the dean through the "Salem Office" within 24 hours.

Information on violation of the Rules for final control shall be entered into the transcript of the student. The student is subject to consideration at the Ethics Faculty Council For the repeated violation of the Rules for final control.

11.24. In the case of obtaining an "F" grade, the student has the right to retake the disciplines on a paid basis.

When receiving educational services from the beginning of classes on Retake, the student does not have the right to refuse the discipline, otherwise the student is assigned a "F" grade for the discipline. The payment made for the discipline is not returned to the student.

11.25. A student who receives an unsatisfactory grade in the discipline of a component of choice has the right to re-study the same discipline in the prescribed manner or replace it with another elective discipline from the same component. Discipline replacement shall be agreed with the Advisor and Registrar's Office.

11.26. It is not allowed to retake a positive grade according to the final control in order to increase in the same period.

11.27. Students who are not allowed to final control due to arrears must pay off financial arrears and pass exams within 35 calendar days after the completion of the examination session in order to submit exam marks to the corresponding statement. Otherwise, the student is subject to expulsion from the University for violating the rules of academic policy.  

11.28. A student who completed the course program in full, but did not score the minimum transfer score, is given the opportunity to re-study individual disciplines on a paid basis in the summer semester and re-pass the exams in order to increase the GPA.

11.29. Students who have gained GPA are transferred to the next course by order of the Member of the Board-Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. The required GPA score for transfer from course to course is set by the University Academic Council. A student who has not entered the GPA remains on a repeated learning course on a paid basis.

11.30. Students who are holders of state educational grants, left for a second course of study, are deprived of an educational grant and continue further learning only on a paid basis.

11.31. Students are registered for retraining or to eliminate the difference in the following cases:

– in the presence of academic debt - disciplines with an "unsatisfactory" grade based on the results of the final control (examination sessions);

– in the presence of disciplines of academic difference when transferring from other OHPEs or from other EPs, when restoring to the contingent of students after expulsion, a long internship trip or academic leave;

– to increase the GPA's average score.

11.32. Repeated or additional learning is carried out on the basis of contracts for the paid provision of educational services, with the exception of the study of the academic difference formed in connection with the return from academic leave or the academic mobility program funded by the state budget.

11.33. The academic difference in the disciplines of the working curriculum, not eliminated during the current academic year, including the summer semester, is accounted for as academic debt and is the basis for transferring the student to a re-taking course on a paid basis.

11.34. Re-learning in order to eliminate the academic debt is organized by the Dean of the Faculty and the DAA on the basis of the order of the Faculty, upon payment for learning in accordance with the agreement for the paid provision of educational services and after approval of the application for re-learning submitted by the student in electronic form through the Univer system.

11.35. If there is an academic debt exceeding the permissible number of credits, the student has the right to study disciplines in other national OHPEs with further recharging of credits, if the registration for training in the summer semester of the University is made.

11.36. Students under the state educational order are awarded a state scholarship based on the results of intermediate certification (examination session), subject to passing all exams with grades "A," "A-," "B +," "B," "B-," "C +." The fact of retaking "FX" to a positive grade does not affect the appointment of a scholarship.

11.37. All final grades of the student are recorded in the transcript, including positive results of repeated exams.

11.38. The final grade in the discipline is calculated only if the student has positive grades, both according to the midterm and final control, and is calculated using the following formula: (MC1 + MC2 )/2x0.6 + (FEx0.4).

11.39. The duration of the examination sessions and the number of examinations are determined in accordance with the approved work curriculum of the EP and the academic calendar. Students must pass all exams in strict accordance with the work and individual curriculum for approved curricula of disciplines.

11.40. The procedure for conducting the examination session is regulated by the Rules for conducting the final control (examination session), the Instructions for conducting the final control using distance learning technologies (in the case of conducting the final control online/in a mixed format).

Examination sessions on EP using distance learning technologies and their periods and number in the academic year are determined by the approved curricula of educational programs.

11.41. Students who did not fulfill the requirements of the working curriculum and did not reach the established GPA pass score and also did not eliminate the existing academic debt before August 25 of the calendar year remain for a second year of learning on a paid basis with the deprivation of the grant.

11.42. Students left for a second year of study and who have not concluded an agreement on the paid provision of educational services within the prescribed period (until September 1 of the current year) are subject to expulsion.

11.43. All students of the University must be familiarized with the Rules for Final Control (Examination Session) and the University's Academic Integrity Policy, which establish the requirements for the behavior of students during the final control of educational achievements. Responsibility for timely familiarization of students with the above regulatory documents is assigned to the graduate chair.

11.44. Responsibility for the organization and conduct of the examination session lies with the Dean of the Faculty, the Center for Situation Management, DAA and the Registrar's Office.

Control and monitoring of compliance with the Rules for conducting the final control (examination session), as well as the requirements of the Academic Integrity Policy is carried out by the Center for Situation Management of the University.

12.1. Students in the course of mastering the EP of higher or postgraduate education undergo professional internship provided for by the curricula of the EP.

12.2. The main and mandatory types of professional internship are: academic, pedagogical, production and pre-diploma.

12.3. All internships are conducted in accordance with internship programs containing basic requirements for the organization and conditions of internship, under the guidance of internship managers.

12.4. The internship program is developed by the graduating department taking into account the profile of the EP, the expected learning results, the nature of the internship base and approved by the Faculty Academic Council. Production internship programs should be coordinated with internship bases in accordance with existing contracts.

12.5. The academic internship of students can be carried out on the basis of the University or in enterprises, institutions and organizations.

12.6. Responsibility for timely conclusion of contracts with organizations on professional internship of students based on the database of organizations, compliance of the internship base with the EP profile and expected training results shall be borne by the head of the graduate department, who supervises the work of appointed internship managers.

12.7. Internship managers are responsible for timely high-quality organization of professional practice, supervise timely filling of students’ diaries of internship in the Univer system, advise students on all issues related to internship passing and perform certification of internship results with entry in certification sheets in Univer system.

12.8. Students have the right to independently search for the basis of professional internship and initiate the conclusion of an agreement on the passage of internship, provided that the expected basis of internship corresponds to the profile of the EP and the expected learning results.

12.9. The deadlines for conducting internships are established in accordance with the curriculum of the EP and the academic calendar.

12.10. The learning programs of the EP determine the number of credits corresponding to each type of internship. Students are registered for the appropriate type of internship and included in the IC.

12.11. The student draws up the results of the internship in the form of a written report, which they defend at the meeting of the commission of the graduating department during the corresponding period of intermediate certification according to the academic calendar.

12.12. The assessment of the results of learning by the student is equal to the assessments of theoretical learning and is taken into account when considering the appointment of a scholarship and when calculating the total GPA and transferring to the next year of study and is entered in the internship record.

12.13. The general results of the internship are summed up at the Academic Councils of faculties with the recommended participation of representatives of the internship bases.

12.14. The educational programs of the master's and doctoral studies of the scientific and pedagogical direction include two types of internships: pedagogical - in the organization of education and research - at the place of making the dissertation.

The goal of the pedagogical internship of master's and doctoral studies is to prepare for scientific and pedagogical activities in OHPE. Pedagogical internship can be carried out during the period of theoretical training without interruption from the educational process.

Research internship is carried out in order to get acquainted with the latest methodological and technological achievements of science, with modern methods of scientific research, processing and interpretation of experimental data, and in order to collect practical and factual material for the dissertation research.

12.15. The EP of the profile master's and doctoral studies includes production internship. Production internship is aimed at consolidating the theoretical knowledge gained during the learning process, acquiring research and professional competencies.

12.16. The results of all types of practices are discussed at the final conference, where students give reports and messages. The final assessment in practice is presented by a commission, which includes teachers in pedagogy, psychology and the head of practice from the graduating department and is entered into the «Univer» IS no later than 5 calendar days after the final conference.

Results of research and production practice shall be documented in the form of a written report and submitted to the commission at the graduating department.

12.17. Students must pass all types of professional internship and certification of the results of internship in a timely manner in accordance with the IEP curriculum and the academic calendar.

13.1. The academic mobility of students of the University is carried out within the framework of interuniversity agreements/contracts and/or joint international programs/projects, on the basis of a tripartite student agreement signed by the sending and receiving HEIs for internal academic mobility, and an invitation for international academic mobility.

13.2. The direction for participation in academic mobility, financed from the state budget, is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the direction for studying abroad, including within the framework of academic mobility of November 19, 2008 and the Regulation on academic mobility of KazNU of May 23, 2022.

13.3. The period of stay in another organization under the credit mobility program and the list of disciplines for study with subsequent transfer of credits are determined by the student in agreement with the graduating department, taking into account the curriculum of the EP of the University.

13.4. Credits are recalculated by the Registrar's Office on the basis of the student's application and the submission of the graduating department with supporting documents through agreement with the DAA (Department of Academic Affairs)

13.5. The graduating department is responsible for objectively establishing the equivalence of the volume and content of the disciplines studied or the research work carried out to the requirements of the University curriculum.

13.6. The final document confirming the passage of the educational trip of the student under the mobility program is a transcript or its equivalent in the host country. Information about the training program is entered into the transcript: the names of disciplines (modules), grades, the number of mastered academic credits.

13.7. The maximum number of credits allowed for transfer from other educational organizations in one academic year is not more than 20% of the curriculum for disciplines studied in other national HEIs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For disciplines not studied in the national HEIs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the exception of Nazarbayev University, credits are not credited.

13.8. The maximum number of loans allowed for transfer from foreign educational organizations is set on an individual basis, taking into account the rating of a foreign HPEIs and the profile of the EP.

13.9. Stay in another HPEIs under the program of academic or credit mobility is issued by the relevant order, regardless of the source of funding for training, no later than 10 days before the start of the corresponding semester of study.

13.10. To participate in international credit mobility, knowledge of a foreign language is required at the level provided by the host educational institution, with the exception of a program financed from the republican budget.

14.1. The final attestation is carried out within the terms provided by the academic calendar and the approved curriculum of the EP.

14.2. The forms and procedure for conducting the final attestation are approved by the Academic Council of the faculty on the proposal of the academic committees in the areas of training.

14.3. Diploma works or projects are supervised by teachers in the field and (or) specialists who work in the field of training with at least 10 years of work experience.

14.4. The final certification of undergraduates and doctoral students is carried out in the form of writing and defending a master's thesis / project, doctoral dissertation. A doctoral student, in accordance with the Rules for awarding degrees, can defend himself on a series of articles.

14.5. To conduct the final certification of students, an Attestation Commission for EP and areas of training for all forms of education is created.

14.6. The deans of the faculties, before October 15 of the calendar year, submit to the DAA the candidates for the chairmen of the attestation commissions, corresponding to the profile of the EP, and not working at the University.

14.7. Candidates for the chairpersons of the attestation commissions are approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board-Rector, or by a person replacing him, no later than November 1 of the calendar year.

14.8. Graduate students receive admission to the final attestation based on the order of the Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, no later than two weeks before the start of the final attestation. Students who have fully completed the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the working and individual curriculum and curricula, and who have received admission to the defense by the supervisor, are allowed to the final certification.

14.9. A graduate student who has not fulfilled the requirements of the working and individual curriculum and working curricula remains for a re-course without passing the summer semester.

14.10. The work schedule of the attestation commissions is approved by the dean of the faculty and brought to general attention no later than two weeks before the start of the final attestation.

14.11. The final attestation in the undergraduate and graduate programs is held at an open meeting of the attestation commission. The defense of a doctoral dissertation is carried out at a meeting of the dissertation council.

14.12. Two comprehensive exams are allowed for the following reasons:

- who are on long-term treatment in a hospital for health reasons;

- with special educational needs, including children with disabilities, disabled since childhood, disabled people of group I;

- pregnant or raising children under the age of 2 years;

- participants of international, republican training camps, sports competitions and festivals for the period of participation.

14.13. To pass two comprehensive exams, the student submits an appropriate application addressed to the Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs with visas of the head of the graduating department and the dean of the faculty with the provision of supporting documents no later than 2 weeks before the start of the final certification.

14.14. At least one scientific publication must be published on the topic of the master's thesis. The requirements for the publication of the scientific results of a doctoral dissertation are determined by the Rules for awarding degrees.

14.15. Written works completed for passing the final certification, before the defense, undergo a mandatory check for the presence of borrowings in IS Univer. The procedure for checking for plagiarism is determined by the graduating department and the dean's office of the faculty.

14.16. The doctoral dissertation is being tested for the detection of text borrowing by other authors, which is carried out at the stages of consideration of the dissertation at an extended meeting of the department, acceptance of the dissertation for defense, review, and registration by the National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise.

14.17. The student defends the final work (thesis/project or master's/doctoral thesis) in the presence of a positive review of the supervisor. If the supervisor gives a negative conclusion “not allowed to defend”, the student does not defend the final work and is expelled from the University as not admitted to the final certification.

14.18. The results of passing comprehensive examinations or defending final theses are announced on the day they are held. Decisions on defense assessments, awarding a degree and issuing a state / own diploma (without honors, with honors) are made by the attestation commission.

14.19. The decision to postpone the final certification due to the state of health of the student is made by the chairman of the certification commission on the basis of supporting documents. At the same time, on the proposal of the dean of the faculty, by order of the Chairman of the Board-Provost, or the person replacing him, new terms for the final certification are appointed, but no later than December 31 of the current calendar year.

14.20. For students who are on a business trip abroad during the final certification period, the deadlines for passing the final certification are extended based on the order of the dean of the faculty, but no later than 1 month after returning from a business trip.

14.21. Re-passing the final certification to increase a positive assessment is not allowed.

14.22. Students who receive unsatisfactory grades are not allowed to re-pass the final certification during this period of the final certification. Documents on the state of health submitted to the attestation commission after receiving an unsatisfactory grade are not considered. A student who has received an “unsatisfactory” grade in the final attestation is expelled from the University.

14.23. The repeated final certification is carried out in the next period of the final certification only for those forms for which the mark "unsatisfactory" was received in the previous final certification. At the same time, the list of disciplines submitted for comprehensive exams for persons who have not passed these exams is determined by the approved working curriculum, effective in the year the student completed the theoretical course.

14.24. To re-pass the final certification, a student expelled from the University, no later than two weeks before the start of the final certification of the next academic year, writes an application addressed to the Chairman of the Board-Provost, or a person replacing him.

14.25. The student is allowed to retake the final certification only on a paid basis.

14.26. A student of higher education who has passed exams with grades A, A- “excellent”, B-, B, B+, C+ “good” and has a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5, and who has also passed a comprehensive exam or defending a thesis (project) with grades A, A- "excellent", a diploma with honors is issued (excluding grades for additional types of education). At the same time, a student who has retakes or retakes the final control (exam) during the entire period of study is not issued a diploma with honors.

14.27. Master students who have mastered the full course of theoretical study of the EP but have not completed the research (experimental research) component, are given the opportunity to re-master the credits of the research component and defend their thesis in the next academic year on a paid basis. In this case, only undisbursed loans of the research (experimental research) component are subject to payment.

14.28. A doctoral student who has mastered the full course of theoretical study of the doctoral study program, but has not completed DRW (IDRW), is given the opportunity to re-master the academic credits of DRW (IDRW) and defend a dissertation in subsequent years on a paid basis.

A doctoral student who has mastered the full course of theoretical study of a doctoral program, who has completed research and development work (RDW), but has not defended a doctoral dissertation, is awarded the learning outcomes and academic credits and is given the opportunity to defend a dissertation within two years after graduation on a free basis, and in subsequent years on a paid basis in the amount of at least 4 academic credits.

At the same time, after 3 years after graduation, a doctoral student is allowed to defend only after the re-approval of the scientific justification of the dissertation research (research proposal) on a paid basis.

Transfer and re-entry to the University

15.1. The student has the right to transfer from / to the University, from one specialty or educational program of higher education to another, from a paid basis to study under the state educational order or from one form of education to another.

15.2. The student is transferred or reinstated to any HEIs, regardless of the terms of deduction upon reinstatement.

15.3. In the event of the introduction of a state of emergency, the occurrence of emergencies of a social, natural and man-made nature, wartime, as well as in the conditions of armed, military conflicts in the country of study, the transfer and restoration of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidates from foreign HEIs is carried out during the academic year in accordance with Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2018 No. 595 “On Approval of the Model Rules for the Activities of Educational Organizations of the Relevant Types”.

15.4. Transfer and re-entry of students from one EP to another, from one study group to another, from one language department to another, from one HEIs to another is carried out during the summer holidays - until August 15 of the current calendar year, during the winter holidays - until January 15 current calendar year. Transfer and re -entry to the number of students of the University is carried out by order of the Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.

15.5. Students can transfer or recover after expulsion if they have successfully completed the first academic period of the program being mastered in accordance with the ISP (Individual Study Plan). Persons with one or more "unsatisfactory" grades in the disciplines of the first semester are not allowed to be transferred or to re-entry.

15.6. When transferring or re-entering from a foreign educational organization, the student provides a document on the mastered study programs (academic certificate, transcript), as well as on the completion of the previous level of education, nostrificated in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the prescribed manner.

The following persons do not undergo the procedure for recognition of documents on education:

- holders of the international scholarship "Bolashak";

- holders of documents on the formation of educational organizations of countries that have signed international treaties (agreements) exempting from recognition (CIS Agreement "On Cooperation in the Field of Education", May 15, 1992; Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, May 29, 2014; Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Russian Federation on the functioning of the Kazakhstan branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University, November 9, 2017).

15.7. Persons who have received a general secondary (secondary general) or technical and vocational education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, when transferring from a foreign HPEIs or re-entering, provide the results of entrance examinations in a foreign HPEIs.

15.8. When transferring or reinstating students, the course of their further education is determined taking into account prerequisites, taking into account the presence / absence of an academic difference in the disciplines of the working curricula studied by them in previous academic periods. At the same time, the academic difference in the transfer and restoration should not exceed 30 academic credits. In cases of organizing the elimination of the academic difference within the framework of the main and summer semesters, it is allowed to increase the volume of the academic difference up to 45 academic credits.

15.9. It is not allowed to transfer from other HEIs to the University for graduation courses at all levels of education.

15.10. When transferring undergraduates and doctoral students for the transfer of elective disciplines studied in another HEIs, their compliance with the content of training in accordance with the EP of the University must be established. Otherwise, a difference in curricula is drawn up, subject to liquidation in the prescribed manner.

15.11. The academic difference in the disciplines of working curricula is determined on the basis of the list of studied disciplines, their programs and volumes in academic hours or credits, reflected in the transcript, or in a certificate issued to persons who have not completed their education.

15.12. To eliminate the academic difference in the disciplines of the curriculum, the student enrolls in these disciplines, attends all types of training sessions during the academic period, passes all types of current and boundary control, and receives admission to the final control.

15.13. The elimination of the academic difference is carried out on a paid basis, with the exception of cases of transfer from another HEIs with the preservation of the educational grant. In this case, the student under the grant is given a one-time opportunity to study the disciplines of academic difference free of charge during the first academic year after the transfer.

15.14. A state scholarship is awarded to a student only after the complete elimination of the academic difference. The academic difference not liquidated during the first academic year after transfer to the University is transferred to academic debt subject to liquidation on a fee basis.

15.15. The transfer of students, undergraduates and doctoral students studying on the basis of an educational grant to the University from the HEIs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who do not have the status of a national university, is subject to additional payment by students of the difference in the cost of the educational grant. To do this, a student transferring from another HEIs concludes an appropriate agreement with the University.

15.16. To be transferred to the University on a contractual basis or with the preservation of a grant, the student must have a certificate of the Unified National Testing (UNT) or Comprehensive Testing (CT) not lower than the passing score approved for the year of admission and the average GPA score not lower than the established transfer score at the University.

15.17. The transfer of a student from groups of higher education programs that require creative training to other GEPs (Group of Educational Programs) is carried out if there is an UNT certificate with a score not lower than the established threshold score in accordance with the Model Rules for Admission to Education in an Educational Organization.

15.18. For transfer and reinstatement, the student submits an application to the Student Office at the Keremet Student Service Center.


Transfer within the University

15.19. The transfer of students from one GEP to another within the University is carried out only on a paid basis with the determination of the course of study and disciplines of academic difference.

15.20. A one-time transfer of students from one EP to another within the same GEP is allowed with the preservation of the educational grant when studying on an educational grant. In this case, the student under the grant is given a one-time opportunity to study the disciplines of academic difference free of charge during the first academic year after the transfer.

15.21. It is not allowed to transfer from one EP to another within the framework of the GEP after the 4th semester of study.

15.22. Transfer of students from one language department to another is allowed with the preservation of the educational grant for students on an educational grant.

15.23The transfer of students is carried out only if there is an appropriate academic group.


Transfer from the University to another HPEIs

15.24. A student studying on an educational grant, if desired, is transferred with the preservation of an educational grant to another HEIs. Students enrolled on educational grants approved for individual HEIs, as well as for pedagogical specialties within the allocated quota, are transferred to another HEIs only on a paid basis.

15.25. When transferring a student, the host HEIs takes into account the direction of training and the profile of the EP, as well as the educational achievements of the student.


Transfer from course to course

15.26. The transfer from course to course of students who have fully complied with the requirements of the curriculum of the EP of this course, have mastered the required amount of credits and scored the established level of the GPA passing score, is carried out by order of the Member of the Board - Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs.

15.27. Transfer from course to course is carried out in the absence of academic debt, which must be eliminated with the provision of relevant documents to the dean's office of the faculty before August 25 of the calendar year.

15.28. Students who have not fulfilled the requirements of the working curriculum, who have not liquidated the existing academic debt and who have not scored the established GPA passing score by August 25 of the calendar year, remain on a second course of study on a paid basis and are transferred to the curriculum of the EP by the course below.

15.29. The head of the graduating department and advisors inform students who have academic debts about the possibilities of their elimination in subsequent periods of theoretical training in order to comply with the principle of prerequisites, while the student himself is fully responsible for academic debt.

15.30. The dean's office of the faculty sends the student no later than January 3 of the calendar year a letter of notification about the need to eliminate the existing academic debt following the results of the autumn semester, and no later than May 30 of the calendar year - about the need to eliminate the existing academic debt following the results of the spring semester.


Transfer to vacant educational grants

15.31. Information about vacant educational grants released as a result of the interim assessment of students is posted by the Student Office in IS Univer and on the University website immediately after summing up the results of the interim assessment.

15.32. Vacant educational grants in the context of the EP, released in the process of obtaining higher education, are awarded on a competitive basis to students on a paid basis for this EP.

15.33. The competition is held based on the results of the intermediate certification with the issuance of a certificate of awarding an educational grant.

15.34. The following can participate in the competition for the award of a vacant educational grant:

– having no academic debts in academic disciplines in the current semester;

– taking an active part in the public life of the University;

– without financial debt.

15.35. The procedure for holding a competition and awarding a vacant educational grant:

– a student on a paid basis submits to the dean's office of the faculty an application for further education on an educational grant;

– the application is considered at the Academic Council of the faculty and the University, after which it is sent to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a decision by August 05 and January 15 of the current year. The application is accompanied by the decision of the Academic Council, an extract from the student's transcript, a copy of an identity document, and a certificate of the holder of an educational grant (original), expelled from the University;

– information about applicants for vacant educational grants is posted in IS Univer and on the University website;

– the authorized body in the field of education considers the received documents in the context of the EP (GEP, NP), forms and terms of study, taking into account the year of admission and, if the issue is resolved positively, issues an order to award an educational grant;

– based on the order of the authorized body in the field of education, the NTC draws up a certificate of awarding an educational grant and submits it to the University;

– on the basis of the issued certificate of awarding an educational grant, the University issues an order for further education on an educational grant.

15.36. In the case of the same indicators of the average score during the competition for vacant educational grants, students with grades A, A-, then grades from A, A- to B+, B, B-, C+ for the entire period of study have priority.

16.1. Students are granted academic leave:

– on the basis of the conclusion of the medical advisory commission at an outpatient organization for a period of 6 to 12 months for health reasons;

– on the basis of the summons for conscription for military service;

– in connection with the birth, adoption (adoption) of a child for a period up to the age of three years.

16.2. To receive an academic leave, a student submits an electronic application to IS Univer in the "e-services" section from his personal page and submits the relevant documents to the DAA Student Office, Keremet Student Service Center.

16.3. To return from academic leave, the student submits an electronic application to IS Univer in the “e-services” section from his personal page and submits the relevant documents to the DAA Student Office, Keremet Student Service Center.

16.4. After returning from academic leave, the student is restored to the contingent of students and is registered for the academic disciplines of the corresponding course of study of the current curriculum of the EP.

16.5. To eliminate the difference in the working curricula, the student registers for the disciplines of academic difference and studies them during the first year of study after academic leave, along with current study groups or as part of an additional semester.

16.6. After academic leave, students are given a one-time opportunity to study the disciplines of the resulting academic difference free of charge until the end of the academic year. At the end of the academic year, the unstudied disciplines of the academic difference are transferred to the disciplines of academic debt, subject to further study exclusively on a paid basis.

16.7. The assignment of a state scholarship to students on an educational grant who returned from an academic leave is carried out based on the results of an intermediate certification of the results of the first academic period after returning from an academic leave, subject to the complete elimination of the academic difference.

17.1. A student may be expelled in the following cases:

– for academic failure (more than 50% of academic debt for the current academic period);

– for missing classes for 72 or more hours without a good reason during one academic period (semester), on the recommendation of the Ethics Council of the relevant faculty (if there is a disciplinary sanction);

– in case of failure to conclude an agreement on the provision of paid educational services in the second year of study within the established time limits;

– for violating the principles of academic integrity;

– for violation of the Academic Policy, Internal Regulations and the Charter of the University;

– for violation of the terms of the contract for the provision of educational services, including for non-payment of tuition fees;

– non-admission to the final attestation and receiving an “unsatisfactory” grade for the final attestation;

– at will;

– transfer of a student to another HEI;

– in connection with death.

17.2. Students of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies on the basis of an educational grant who are expelled from the University are deprived of the educational grant.

17.3. To be expelled from the University at his own request, the student submits an electronic application through "e-services" from his personal page to the Univer information and educational system. URL: https://univer.kaznu.kz.

17.4. Expelled persons within 10 calendar days after the issuance of the order of expulsion by the Office of the student DAA issued a transcript of the non-completion of higher / postgraduate education.

18.1. A student who has passed the final certification and confirmed the mastery of the EP of higher or postgraduate education is awarded the degree of "bachelor" or "master" by the decision of the attestation commission or is awarded a qualification in the corresponding EP and is issued a diploma with an appendix (transcript). Graduates of bachelor's and master's programs receive a European Diploma Supplement in addition to their diploma.

18.2. The appendix to the diploma indicates the latest grades according to the point-rating letter system of assessments for all academic disciplines, completed term papers (projects), research or experimental research work, types of professional practices, final certification, indicating their volume in academic credits and hours .

18.3. A student who has mastered the EP of doctoral studies and defended a doctoral dissertation, with a positive decision of the dissertation council on the basis of the relevant order of the Chairman of the Board-Provost, or a person replacing him, is awarded a PhD degree in philosophy and a doctor in the profile and is issued a diploma with an appendix (transcript).

18.4. In cases of early mastering of the doctoral study program and successful defense of the dissertation, the doctoral student is awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of the profile, regardless of the period of study.

18.5. In case of loss of a diploma or a supplement to a diploma, a graduate applies with a corresponding application to the Public Service Center or through the egov.kz portal to obtain a duplicate document on education.

In case of loss of the Diploma Supplement, the graduate must submit a corresponding application addressed to the Member of the Board - Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs to the dean's office of the faculty. The Diploma Supplement is issued by the dean's office within a week after the application is submitted.

18.6. The university, after issuing documents on education to graduates, sends information to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan within a month and (or) enters data into the unified information system of education. The list of alumni is posted on the University's website. The University ensures the functioning of the electronic system for issued education documents and stores an electronic database (archive) of education documents, including previously issued ones.

19.1. The University considers the successful employment of graduates as the main indicator of the effectiveness of educational activities. The University encourages long-term multilateral cooperation with employers in order to update the content of the EP in accordance with the demands of the labor market.

19.2. To promote employment, the Office of Professional Development and Career, DAA operates, which ensures the involvement of employers in events to inform students and graduates about employment opportunities and professional internships.

19.3. Faculties provide constant communication with employers through the Councils of Employers, formed from among the graduates of the faculty. The powers and work plan of the Council of Employers are determined by the faculty, based on current and strategic objectives.

19.4. Analysis of the efficiency of the Council of Employers is carried out by the Academic Council of the faculty at least 2 times a year.

19.5. Students on the basis of the state educational order at the graduation course are subject to mandatory distribution in the organization of the appropriate profile for mandatory training after graduation from the University in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with paragraph 17 of article 47 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" and Order Acting Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 11, 2023 No. 403.

19.6. For the distribution of graduate students at each faculty, a meeting is held by a specially created commission for personal distribution, which submits signed protocols and supporting documents to the Office of Professional Development and Career DAА before June 1 of the calendar year.

19.7. The general distribution of graduates is formalized by the protocol decision of the distribution commission annually, no later than July 1 of the calendar year.

19.8. A graduate of each level of education, by decision of the commission, receives a job and / or employment center at the place of residence.

19.9. Exemption from working off is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with paragraph 17 of the page 47 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" and Order Acting Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 11, 2023 No. 403.