Scientific and Methodological Council
The Scientific and Methodological Council is a collegial advisory, administrative and executive management body at the University, determining the legal, organizational foundations of the scientific and methodological work of the University aimed at improving the quality of educational activities.
The position of the Scientific and Methodological Council
The purpose of the Council's activities is to organize and plan scientific and methodological, research and innovation work at the University, to develop recommendations and proposals for improving the scientific and methodological support of the educational process of the University.
The main tasks of the Council include:
- organization of quality monitoring of scientific and methodological support of the educational process at the University;
- planning, organization of expertise and recommendation for the publication of educational, educational-methodical and scientific-methodical literature, manuals and other materials published in the publishing house "Kazakh University";
- creation of committees and commissions on the main areas of academic and scientific-methodical work, control of their activities;
- development of proposals on the development of education and the formation of priority areas in its implementation;
- development of administrative and regulatory documentation regulating the content, organization and methodological support of the educational process;
- development of reference, reporting and other documents on the control and assessment of the quality of training of specialists and their submission to the management, Academic Council of the University, as well as preparation of reporting documentation on the performance of the University;
- development of recommendations for the introduction of innovative educational technologies, forms and methods of teaching into the practice of the University.
The main activities of the Council are:
- consideration of controversial issues arising during the examination of educational programs, curricula and other academic documentation, taking into account regulatory legal acts regulating the educational process;
- organizational management of academic committees on the directions of personnel training;
- discussion and making proposals on improving draft regulatory legal documents related to the issues of educational and methodological support of the educational process;
- coordination of the activities of faculties/schools to improve the level of educational and methodological work;
- organization of the development of textbooks, teaching aids, including on electronic media and didactic materials;
- development of plans for the introduction of innovative technologies, active and interactive teaching methods in the educational process;
- support of educational programs at all levels of training of specialists;
- coordination of all types of teaching and methodological work of teaching staff.
The Council consists of:
- Chairman - Member of the Management Board – Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs;
- Deputy Chairman - Head of the Department for Academic Affairs;
- members - Deputy heads of the Department of Academic Affairs, deans of faculties/schools;
- secretary - head of the ODEP.
Also, the Council may include heads of structural divisions of the University who participate in the educational process of the University (the Office of Design of Educational Programs, the Department of International Cooperation, the Registrar Office, the Department of Certification and Science, the chairmen of Academic committees in the areas of training.
Direct supervision of the activities of the Council is entrusted to the Chairman. In case of his absence – to the Deputy Chairman of the Council / appointed member of the Council.
Meetings of the Council are held at least once every two months in accordance with the annual work schedule approved at the first meeting in the new academic year.
The formation of the Council's work schedule is carried out taking into account the University's development programs and on the basis of proposals from Council members, as well as proposals from heads of structural divisions, teaching staff and University staff.
The work schedule of the Council is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of quality management.
The preparation of the meeting of the Council is carried out by the Secretary of the Council, who, no later than two days before the meeting, informs the members of the Council about the agenda approved by the Chairman of the Council, with the provision of all necessary documentation.
The agenda specifies the date, time and place of the meeting, the rules of the speech and the issues to be discussed at the meeting.
The decision to hold an extraordinary meeting of the Council is made by its Chairman/Deputy Chairman, or at the request of at least 1/3 of the Council.
A meeting of the Council is considered competent if more than half of its members are present at it.
The decisions of the Council are adopted by a simple majority of votes of the total number of those present at the meeting. The Secretary of the Council has the right to vote on an equal basis with other members of the Council. In case of equality of votes cast, the decisive vote belongs to the Chairman of the Council.
Decisions taken collectively by the Council are binding on its members. For each decision, a responsible person is appointed who controls the execution of the decision.
The meeting of the Council is formalized by a protocol, the original of which is stored in the OPOP. The minutes are prepared within three days from the date of the meeting and signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Council.
Decisions taken at the meeting of the Council are made out by extracts from the minutes of the meetings, which are sent to the members of the Council and all interested persons.
The creation, reorganization, abolition of the Council, as well as the quantitative composition of the Council and its change are approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board – the Rector of the University.
The composition of the Council is approved for a period of 1 academic year.
The Chairman has the right to:
- to distribute powers among the members of the Council;
- appoint those responsible for the implementation of the Council's decisions;
- to set tasks, give instructions and set deadlines for their implementation, as well as to demand execution of instructions on issues related to the activities of the Council;
- to create working groups for the implementation of various projects related to the activities of the Council, the leaders of which can only be members of the Council.
The Chairman of the Council is obliged to manage, coordinate and control the activities of the Council.
Members of the Council have the right to:
- to make proposals to the agenda of the Council meeting;
- participate in the development and submission of proposals to improve documentation on issues related to the activities of the Council;
- invite teachers, University staff and other interested persons to meetings of the Council;
- request information from the structural divisions of the University necessary for the meeting of the Council.
The members of the Council are obliged to:
- to monitor the implementation of the Council's decisions by structural units and evaluate their effectiveness;
- to provide the University management with the information necessary for making managerial decisions in a timely manner.
The Secretary of the Council has the right to request from the Chairman, Deputy and members of the Council the necessary information for holding meetings of the Council.
The Secretary is obliged to:
- provide organizational preparation of Council meetings, form and coordinate agendas, inform Council members;
- keep documents related to the activities of the Council.
The Chairman of the Council is responsible for the quality and timeliness of the performance of the duties assigned to the Council by this Regulation.
Each member of the Council is personally responsible for the full implementation of works and activities related to the activities of the Council, in accordance with the approved work schedule of the Council and the requirements of this Regulation.
The decision to approve, amend, supplement and cancel this Provision, after preliminary consideration by the Council, is approved by the decision of the Academic Council of the University.
The Regulation is adopted for a period of no more than five years. After the expiration of this period, the document is subject to revision. If necessary, it is possible to update the Position before the deadline.
Issues not regulated by this Regulation are subject to resolution in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal regulatory documents of the University.
This Regulation on the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) defines the basis of the legal status of the Scientific and Methodological Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) NJSC "KazNU named after Al-Farabi" (hereinafter referred to as the University).
The Regulation regulates the purpose and main tasks, the main activities of the Council, defines its structure, working procedure, as well as the rights, duties and responsibilities of members.
The Council is a collegial advisory, administrative and executive management body at the University, determining the legal, organizational foundations of the scientific and methodological work of the University aimed at improving the quality of educational activities.
The Regulation has been developed in accordance with the requirements:
- The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 "On Education";
- Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2011 No. 152 "On approval of the Rules for the organization of the educational process on credit technology";
- Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2022 No. 2 "On approval of state mandatory standards of higher and postgraduate education";
- Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2018 No. 595 "On approval of Standard Rules for the activities of organizations of higher and postgraduate education";
- Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 644 dated December 21, 2007 "On approval of the Standard Rules of the methodical (educational, methodological, scientific and methodological) Council and the procedure for its election" and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In its activities of the Council, in addition to the above, the NPA is also guided by the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the University, this Regulation and other internal documents of the University.
The Council is accountable to the Academic Council of the University in its activities.
The organizational support of the Council's activities is assigned to the Office of the Design of Educational Programs of the Department of Academic Affairs (hereinafter – ODEP).
The Regulation is an internal regulatory document of the University and the decisions of the Council are binding on the structural units of the University participating in the educational process.