Law Faculty

Department of Customs, Financial and Ecological Law

The Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law of KazNU was formed by merging two departments of the Faculty of Law: the Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Law and the Department of Investment and Financial Law. The merger took place in September 2010 by order of the Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU G.M. Mutanov. The Department provides training in bachelor's degree programs: Law, Customs, Financial Law. Within the framework of the Master's degree, scientific personnel are trained according to educational programs: Law, Customs, Financial Law, Sports Law, Environmental Law, as well as a double degree program: Maritime and Energy Law (jointly with Baku State University, Republic of Azerbaijan). As a center for organizing and conducting scientific research in the field of customs, financial, environmental, natural resource, land law, the department successfully implements research results in various fields of economics and law. Teaching staff of the department The number of teaching staff of the department is 29, of which:  with academic degrees – 25, including Doctors of Law - 4, Candidates of Law-9, PhD - 12  with the academic title of professor- 5,  With the academic title of associate professor - 7 Areas of activity of the department Educational programs:  Bachelor's degree: 6B04203 – Customs 6B04204 – Financial Law 6B04205 - Jurisprudence Master's degree: - 7M04203 – Sports Law - 7M04212 – Maritime and Energy Law (double degree with Baku State University) - 7M04214 – Customs business - 7M04216 – Financial Law - 7M04232 - Environmental Law All educational programs are accredited by the International Accreditation Agencies NAOKO, NAAR, FIBAA. OP "Customs Business" is accredited by the World Customs Organization. In the national ranking of NAOKO, NAAR and Atameken, our OP occupy leading positions. Scientific schools: - Scientific and Consulting Legal Center "Nurly Zhol - Silk Road" of Al–Farabi Kazakh National University - Scientific Research Center "Environmental Safety and Environmental Management" - The department has student scientific circles "Ecologist-jurist", "Financial Law", "Fundamentals of Law"

Kuanalieva Guldana Amageldievna

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor

Kuanalieva Guldana Amageldievna

+7 (727) 377-33-36 , вн: 1261



Department contacts

Department address:av. al-Farabi,71, building MEB-2, 3b

Location of the Department: 3rd floor, offices 323, 329

Department phone: +7 (727) 377-33-36, internal: 12-61, 12-54

We are on the social networks

1. Official site of the Biotechnology Department 

2. Facebook

3. Instagram

ВЫПОЛНЕНИЕ ДОРОЖНОЙ КАРТЫ Кафедра таможенного, фи

History of the department


 The Customs, Financial and Environmental law Department of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi was newly formed as a result of merger of the following Departments:

Natural Resources and Ecology law,

and Investment and Financial law.

It happened back in September, 2010 in accordance with the Decree of the Rector G.M. Mutanov.

       The Department of Agrarian and Environmental Law was established in 1975 and was initially called the Department of Land Law and Legal Protection of Nature. The department was formed as a separate division of the Faculty of Law, scientific research of the members of the department in the field of natural resource and land law science, the first research in the field of collective farm and state farm law began to be conducted.  The end of the 90s and the beginning of the new century are characterized by a new rise in the creative forces of the department. The department was actively involved in the development of basic environmental and agrarian laws. These include projects of the Land, Water and Forest Codes, laws "On the priority of the development of aul, village, and agro-industrial complex", "On land reform", "On land tax" and others. Since the late 90s, it has been called the Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Law. This period is marked by the fact that new technologies and teaching methods are being actively introduced into the educational process. 




The Department of Investment and Financial Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was established in 1998 as the legal successor of the Departments of Soviet Law and Financial and Administrative Law. For the first time in the post-Soviet space, such market disciplines as "Investment Law", "Mining Law", "Legal foundations of investments in the field of subsoil use" were introduced into the educational process at the department. Teachers of the department were engaged by the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan to develop investment, banking, and tax legislation of the country. In total, with the participation of teachers of the department, more than 20 laws and subordinate legal acts were developed, among which the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Taxes and Other Mandatory Payments to the Budget", the Code of Administrative Offenses, the Budget Code, etc. should be singled out. Many faculty members of the department have been invited to work in government agencies and are currently protecting the interests of Kazakhstan in the financial sector. Under the guidance of a number of teachers, leading research institutes and organizations have been established in the field of tax, financial and banking sectors of the country's economy.

Grant and foreign projects



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Academic calendar

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22 мб, pdf

ДОРОЖНАЯ КАРТА по продвижению в рейтинге THE IR Кафедра таможенного, финансового и экологического права

22 мб, pdf

ROAD MAP for promotion in THE IR ranking Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law

22 мб, pdf

Кеден, қаржы және экологиялық құқық кафедрасының ЖОЛ КАРТАСЫ

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ТКжЭ кафедра туралы ереже

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Position of the Department of Technology and Economics of Law

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Академический календарь

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Правила по ДОТ КазНУ имени аль-Фараби

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Сапаны қамтамасыз ету саясаты

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