Mechanics and Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the forge of training competitive, highly qualified specialists in the field of mathematics in Kazakhstan. A mathematician is a specialist who thinks logically and systematically, predicts as accurately as possible future events and phenomena that can occur not only within the framework of science and technology, but also in all spheres of human activity. Thanks to the fundamental mathematical knowledge obtained at the university, our graduates can find their place in any area of life, quickly adapt to other specialties, and quickly get used to any field of science.
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Imanberdiyev Kanzharbek Baltabayevich
Department contacts
Address of chair: al-Farabi Ave., 71
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, building №13
Cabinet : 418
Phone: 8 (727) 221-15-73
History of the department
The Department of Mathematics was founded on the basis of previously existing departments at the university, such as Fundamental Mathematics, Differential Equations and Control Theory in 2020.
The Department of "Differential Equations and Control Theory" was founded in September 2011 as a result of merges of two departments of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics: the Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics and the Department of Management Theory.
The department of "Fundamental mathematics" was organized in accordance with the decision of the University Council on 31 October 1989 (Minutes № 2) and the Order of the Rector of KAZNU from 12.5 in1989 № 206, entitled "Functional analysis and probability theory." This decision was preceded by a decision of the Presidium of the Kazakh SSR on the feasibility of training in the field of probability theory based on the mathematics faculty of KAZNU named after S.M. Kirov. At the opening of the department worked eight full-time teachers: Prof. Kalmenov T.Sh, PhD., associate Bedelbaev A.A. Arenbaev N.K., to Physics and Mathematics, the head teachers are Akanbay N., Khan L., PhD., the assistant is Turmuhambetov D.N., and two bids lecturer and senior lecturer posts were vacan
Grant and foreign projects
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