Aspecialrepresentativeofthe UNSecretary-General, theHeadofthe UNRegionalCentreofPreventiveDiplomacyforCentralAsiaMr. PetkoDraganov, the First Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the United Nations, Kazakhstan’s MFA Roving Ambassador, Honored Professor of the Al-FarabiKazNU Mrs. AkmaralArystanbekova, representatives of UN departments and services in Almaty, diplomatic missions, international organizations, academic community, professors and students of the university as well as mass media representatives are invited to take part in the round table.
Roundtableparticipantswillsharetheir experience and vision of current situation in the field of nuclear disarmament issues. TheagendaoftheeventisnotonlyaboutsignificanceofKazakhstan’srole, contributionandpossibilitiesinmaintenancenuclearsecurity. Itisalsodrivenbythe needtoattractyoungpeopletothisglobalproblem. ItisappropriatetoquotethewordsoftheUNSecretary-GeneralBanKi-moonontheWorldYouthDay: “We have to promote young people in the front rows, to strengthen their role in building international peace and security…”
Inthisregard,ayouthinitiativetocreateaplatformfordiscussionsof suchissuesaspeaceandsecurity. ItwillbebasedattheAl-FarabiKazNUintheframesofUNAIGlobalHub onsustainabledevelopment. Themaingoaloftheinitiativewillbethenewformatcreatingcooperation between youth and leading experts on nuclear security It will realized by establishing a communicative platform in the spheres of international relations, law, ecology, economy, natural science and others.
Time: 12:00-13:35
Venue: White Hallat the KazNU Scientific Library, Al-Farabiave., 71/27
Contacts: Gaukhar Nursha, director of Regional Centre at the Al-FarabiKazNUInternational Relations faculty, 8 775 443 5275,