5 march, 2021



On March 1, 2021, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University celebrated the 90th anniversary of Umirbek Arslanovich Dzholdasbekov-Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR and the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an outstanding mechanical scientist, a prominent state, public and political figure, a major organizer of science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR.


Academician U. A. Dzholdasbekov is a unique personality, one of the founders of the higher school of Kazakhstan. He made a great contribution to the development of higher education in the country. His name is associated with new scientific directions, specialties, which began to prepare students. Under his leadership, laboratories, departments, research centers, as well as the National Engineering Academy of Kazakhstan were created. With his direct participation, a unique student campus – KazGUgrad-was founded and built, which became a symbol of student life in Kazakhstan and a visiting card of science and education in Kazakhstan in the world community.


In 1970, Umirbek Arslanovich, at the age of 39, was appointed rector of the largest and oldest university – the Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov. During his leadership, the university became one of the best universities in the USSR and became recognizable in the world community.


On this day of the 90th anniversary of U. A. Dzholdasbekov, the university staff and invited guests pay tribute to Umirbek Arslanovich, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of our university.




Today, everyone who knew Academician U. A. Dzholdasbekov feels great gratitude to this wonderful man, who did so much for Kazakhsta's science, education and prosperity of our country.



During the anniversary events, flowers were laid at the monument to Academician U. A. Dzholdasbekov, a solemn event in online mode with the participation of invited guests and the university staff, a ceremony of awarding scholarships named after U. A. Dzholdasbekov, an International competition for research Projects in Mathematics and Mechanics.