Speech by Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Tukeyev U. A. at the next meeting of the current scientific and methodological seminar of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a report on the topic "Computational models of the morphology of Turkic languages based on complete endings systems»

18 march, 2021

On March 17, 2021 at 10.00 (Moscow time) on the Zoom platform in RUDN (Moscow), the next meeting of the permanent scientific and methodological seminar of the CII FGSN "The language aspect of integration and self-identification in the modern world"will be held.A report on the topic "Computational models of the morphology of the Turkic languages based on complete systems of endings" will be delivered by Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Tukeev U. A. (Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technologies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University). A report on the topic "Ancient Chinese communities: the dissemination of linguistic information and the modification of inscriptions such as Jiaguwen (甲骨文), which record the results of divination and predictions" will be delivered by K. Polit.n., Associate Professor Yegorova M. A. (KIYA FGSN).
Link to the meeting-Olga Maksimova invites you to the planned conference:
Topic: Language aspect of integration and self-identification in the modern world

Time: 17 Mar. 2021 10:00 Moscow

Connect to the Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86515046079 conference?pwd=UnZTejB3dkVBQk5oVXhZUHVuUEZ3QT09

Conference ID: 865 1504 6079

Access code: 790432

Department of Information Systems