The fruits of a two-degree educational program

5 april, 2021

 According to the scholarship program "Abay – Vern" in the 2018 – 2019 (II half-year) academic year, under the program of double-degree education, a master's student of the specialty "Petrochemistry" of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Kairoshev Danabek Serikovich studied at the University of Lorraine of France in the specialty "Reservoir Engineering". He completed an internship at the Institut Élie Sartan de Lorraine (IECL) on the topic of a master's thesis. Kairoshev Danabek successfully completed his studies in the two-degree program and received two diplomas. Currently, he works as a technologist in Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc. LLP. On April 2, 2021, undergraduates and students of the specialty "Oil and Gas Business" held a meeting with University graduate Kairoshev Danabek in an online format on the topic "two-degree program: one diploma is good, and two diplomas are even better".

During the meeting, Danabek Kairoshev told the undergraduates about the course of study in France, the requirements, and the need for hard work. Undergraduates were asked a lot of questions about training. There was also an exchange of information on the methodology of teaching disciplines, the national culture of France, admission to grants and receiving scholarships. At the end of the meeting, the head of the Department of "Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry", Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Aubakirov Yermek Aitkazynovich thanked Kairoshev Danabek for the meeting with undergraduates, shared his thoughts and experience that the program of double-degree education provides more opportunities for employment and becoming a competitive specialist.