Results of the international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi alemi"

10 april, 2021


The international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi", held at the Higher School of Economics and Business, has finished its work. The total number of participants is 260, including 2 foreign ones, and 16 from other universities of Kazakhstan.

As a result, the winners were determined:

  • 1st place - Isalimbay Nazerke Muratkyzy (Specialty: Economics, 4th year)
  • 2nd place - Dzhanguzhiyeva Inargul Nurlankyzy (Specialty: State and local government, 4th year)
  • 3rd place - Koshetayev Dias Sansyzbayuly (Specialty: Logistics, 3rd year)