Impact of the pandemic on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals: trends and effects

10 april, 2021


On April 8-9, 2021, the Higher School of Economics and Business of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an online International scientific and practical conference on the topic: "The impact of the pandemic on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: trends and effects".


The purpose of the conference was to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the overall achievement of the SDGs in the future, as well as to identify the main mechanisms for reducing negative impacts in developing countries.


The relevance of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and developing new approaches to solving this problem were discussed during the plenary session on April 8 from 14.00 to 16.00 in the speeches of the Head of the Department of "International Economic Relations" of the Faculty of Economics of the RUDN, Doctor of Economics, Professor Andronova I.V. (Russia), Professor of the University of Limpopo Collins C. (South Africa), Professor of the University of Padua Celetti D. (Italy), Director of the scientific and educational center "Green Academy", Doctor of Economics, Professor Yessekina B.K., Head of the Department of Regional Economy and Innovative Development of the IE CS MES RK, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alzhanova F.G., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics Tulegenova M.S., PhD doctoral student of the School of Political Science and Public Administration of Wuhan University Erkin N. (China).


The conference was held in the following thematic areas in the form of discussions and discussions:


  • Section 1. Current trends and strategies of business technologies in the context of the pandemic;
  • Section 2. Crisis management in the context of a pandemic: mechanisms and scenarios;
  • Section 3. Post-pandemic economic development: realities and opportunities;
  • Section 4. "Rebooting" the financial sector in the face of global challenges.


The participants of the international scientific and practical conference, having conducted a comprehensive discussion of the impact of the pandemic on the economy, came to the conclusion that COVID-19 hit not only the SDGs, but also highlighted all the pain points of modern society, such as: weak health systems; gaps in social protection; structural inequality; environmental degradation; climate crisis, etc.


Within the framework of the conference, on April 9, 2021, a round table "Sustainable development of companies in Kazakhstan in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic" and a master class "Writing a literature review for scientific research" were organized. The round table was attended by young scientists of the Higher School of Economics and Business.


At the end of the conference, a resolution was presented, which noted the main results and conclusions, proposals for reducing the negative impact of the pandemic and restoring the domestic economy, and proceeding of conference materials is planned to be published.