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- Outlines of the section "Modern problems of biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" of the international conference of students and young scientists "FARABI ALEMI"
Outlines of the section "Modern problems of biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" of the international conference of students and young scientists "FARABI ALEMI"

On April 7, 2021, the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology hosted the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi Alemi", which was held in an online format on the Microsoft Teams platform.
At the meeting of the 2nd section "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" of the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi Alemi" 6 reports were presented from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The Commission decided to award:
Diploma for the first place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Toktybai A.K., master student of the 2nd course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Toktybai A.K. was awarded the diploma of the rector of the III degree. Topic: «ҚАЛЫПТЫ ЖӘНЕ СТPЕСС КЕЗДЕPIНДЕГI ЖАНУАPЛАP ТЕPIСIНДЕГI БИОАКТИВТI НҮКТЕЛЕP ТЕМПЕPАТУPАСЫНЫҢ ТӘУЛIКТIК ДИНАМИКАСЫНЫҢ ЭНТPОПИЯЛЫҚ КӨPСЕТКIШIН ЗЕPТТЕУ». Scientific supervisor, doctor of biological sciences, professor Tuleukhanov S.T.
Diploma for the second place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Nagimollina D., student of the 3rd course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Topic: «INFLUENCE OF LEARNING MODES ON THE CHRONOTYPES OF SCHOOLCHILDREN». Scientific supervisor, candidate of biological sciences, professor Gumarova L.ZH.
Diploma for the second place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Sadyrbayeva G. master student of the 2nd course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Topic: «ГЕМОДИНАМИКАНЫҢ ЦИРКАДИАНДЫҚ ЫРҒАҚТАРЫНА ГЕОМАГНИТТІ БЕЛСЕНДІЛІКТІҢ ӘСЕРІН ЗЕРТТЕУ». Scientific supervisor, candidate of biological sciences, professor Gumarova L.ZH
Diploma for the third place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Boranbayeva G., master student of the 2nd course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Topic: «ЖАС ЖӘНЕ КӘРІ ЕГЕУҚҰЙРЫҚТАРДЫҢ ЛИМФА ҚҰРАМЫН ЗЕРТТЕУ». Scientific supervisor, doctor of biological sciences, professor Tuleukhanov S.T.
Diploma for the third place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Ziyasheva A. master student of the 1st course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Topic: «ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ПРОТОКОЛА НЕЙРОБИОУПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДЛЯ КОРРЕКЦИИ ПИЩЕВОГО ПОВЕДЕНИЯ, АССОЦИИРОВАННОГО С ОЖИРЕНИЕМ». Scientific supervisor, candidate of biological sciences, Datkhabayeva G.K.
Diploma for the third place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Manakbayeva U., master student of the 2nd course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Topic: «БИОЛОГИЯ САБАҒЫНДА БІЛІМ БЕРУДЕ СИНЕРГЕТИКАЛЫҚ ӘДІСТЕМЕНІ ҚОЛДАНУ». Scientific supervisor, doctor of biological sciences, professor Tormanov N.T.
Issayeva N.
lecturer of the Department of biophysics, biomedicine and neuroscience