14 may, 2021

The traditional XIII Republican Olympiad among students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the discipline "Turkology", organized by the Department of TURKSOY of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the University, was held from 26 to 27 April. The Olympiad was attended by students of 2-4 courses of L. N. Gumilyov and KazNU them. Al-Farabi
In the first round of the Olympiad, students defended their scientific projects on topical problems of Turkic studies. It was not easy for the students to overcome such difficult requirements of the jury as relevance, scientific style and the validity and richness of the topic.
The next day, the applicants passed an oral exam based on the theory and practice of Turkic studies. Students spoke and showed their knowledge gained within the walls of the university.
During the project competition and summing up the results of the oral theoretical and practical competition, the total points of ENU student Aliya Kairova and KazNU student Ainur Syzdykova came together on equal terms and remained in the "blitz" round to compete for first place.
At this moment, the assessments were not limited only to the knowledge and aspiration of students, who felt a great responsibility for justifying the merits of their teachers, had to answer the questions asked as fully and quickly as possible in a minute.
The next day, the applicants passed an oral exam based on the theory and practice of Turkic studies. Students spoke and showed their knowledge gained within the walls of the university.
During the project competition and summing up the results of the oral theoretical and practical competition, the total points of ENU student Aliya Kairova and KazNU student Ainur Syzdykova came together on equal terms and remained in the "blitz" round to compete for first place.
At this moment, the assessments were not limited only to the knowledge and aspiration of students, who felt a great responsibility for justifying the merits of their teachers, had to answer the questions asked as fully and quickly as possible in a minute.
In addition, the staff of the TURKSOY department congratulated our winners on their victories with valuable prizes and souvenirs from the University.
Our students who participated in the Olympics were presented with a certificate of the Olympiad and souvenirs from the university, and they wished them success in the next competitions.
As a result of the Olympics, it was pleasant to see how our young scientists are growing up, who study the spiritual values ​​of the Turkic peoples and pass them on to future generations.


Associate Professor of the Department

of TURKSOY, PhD Kuanyshbaev E.A.

Senior Lecturer of the Department

of TURKSOY Nazarova. A. Zh.