Report on the international conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi". 2021.

21 may, 2021

On April 8, 2021, on the basis of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare of Al-Farabi KazNU, an international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi" was held in a distance mode on the Zoom platform, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of problems of theoretical and practical aspects of healthy lifestyle, physical culture, sports and sports medicine.

Section. Theoretical and practical aspects of healthy lifestyle, physical culture, sports and sports medicine were formed on the basis of the submitted abstracts of the conference participants.

The work of the section was moderated by the Deputy Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports for NID and MS Adilzhanova Madina Isakhanovna.

During the work of the section, the following reports were heard:

1. Ospanova R.Zh. - Master's student of 1 year of study, Department of Physical Education and Sports of KazNU named after al-Farabi. Topic of the report: "The teacher of physical education as a guide to a healthy lifestyle." Scientific adviser: Ph.D. professor Kasymbekov S.I.

2. Saydagali D. - Master student of 1 year of study, Department of Physical Education and Sports of Al-Farabi KazNU. Topic of the report: "Problems of improving sports skills of student youth." Scientific adviser: Ph.D. professor Kasymbekov S.I.

3. Seilbekov A.D. - l-Farabi atyndagy Kazakh lttyk university dene shynyktyru zhune sport of the department 1 course undergraduates. Bayandama takyryby: "Dene turbiesinde қoldanylatyn zhattygulary maқsat-mindetterine garay toptau, zhuyeleu." Gylymi zhetekshis: p. п.d., professor Alimkhanov E.

4. Nazaralieva S.Sh. - 2-year undergraduate student, Department of Physical Education and Sports of Al-Farabi KazNU. Topic of the report: "Achievements of the swimmers of the" republican specialized boarding school-college of the Olympic reserve "of the city of Almaty in the international sports arena". Scientific adviser: Ph.D., associate professor Ongarbaeva D.T.


5. Kadyr Zh. - 2-year undergraduate student, Department of Physical Education and Sports of Al-Farabi KazNU. Topic of the report: "Specific and non-specific means of training athletes." Scientific adviser: Ph.D. professor Kasymbekov S.I.

6. Erkynuly R. - Karagandy medicine university 1 year student. Bayandama takyryby: "Salauatty өmir saltyn kalyptastyrudaғy psychologiiология edister: visualization of the affirmation." Gylymi zhetekshis: Sabieva A.B. «Фараби Әлемі» студенттер мен жас ғалымдардың халықаралық конференциясы туралы есеп. 2021.

7. Niyazov A.T. - 2-year doctoral student, Department of Physical Education and Sports of Al-Farabi KazNU. Topic of the report: "The use of the badcamp test in the training process of badminton students." Scientific adviser: Ph.D., associate professor Madieva G.B.

In conclusion, the work of the section discussed and summed up the results of the speeches of the participants by the members of the commission, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Tuyakbaeva M.Sh., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Shepetyuk N.M. and PhD doctor Isambetova G.A.

The evaluation results of the members of the commission were as follows:

1st place - Seilbekov A.D. - l-Farabi atyndagy Kazakh lttyk university dene shynyktyru zhune sport of the department 1 course undergraduates. Bayandama takyryby «Дене тәрбиесінде қолданылатын жаттығуларды мақсат-міндеттеріне қарай топтау, жүйелеу» Gylymi zhetekshis: p. п.d., professor Alimkhanov E.

2nd place - S.Sh. Nazaralieva - 2-year undergraduate student, Department of Physical Education and Sports of Al-Farabi KazNU. Topic of the report: "Achievements of the swimmers of the" republican specialized boarding school-college of the Olympic reserve "of the city of Almaty in the international sports arena". Scientific adviser: Ph.D., associate professor Ongarbaeva D.T.

3rd place - A.T. Niyazov - 2-year doctoral student, Department of Physical Education and Sports of Al-Farabi KazNU. Topic of the report: "The use of the badcamp test in the training process of badminton students." Scientific adviser: Ph.D., associate professor Madieva G.B.

General in the international scientific conference of students and young scientists

"Farabi Alemi" was presented with 36 theses, of which: Department of Physical Education and Sports KazNU, (Almaty, RK) - 6; TarSU named after M.Kh. Dulati (Taraz, RK) - 8; Pavlodar Pedagogical University (Pavlodar, RK) - 4; KazNPU named after Abai (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan) - 1; Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev - KAI (Kazan, RF) - 5; MSGU (Moscow, RF) - 1; Bashkir State University (Ufa, RF) - 3; Toraigyrov University, (Pavlodar, RK) - 1; Khalygaralyk tourism to the woman of meimandostyk university (Turkestan, RK - 1); Innovative Eurasian University (Pavlodar, RK) - 1; Shakarim University (Semey, RK) - 2; KazAST (Almaty, RK - 1); Karaganda Medical University (Karaganda, RK) - 2.


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