24 september, 2021














Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Aspects of Biodiversity Conservation" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honorary Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician of KazNANS

Mukhitdinov Nashtay Mukhitdinovich

and the 30th anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan


Scientific works of theoretical, experimental and applied research, as well as scientific inventions can be presented at the conference.


We look forward to seeing you at the conference!



Оrganizing committee


The Conference is hosted by:

Al-Farabi kazakh national university

Faculty of biology and biotechnology

Department of biodiversity and bioresources

Scientific research institute of problems of biology and biotechnology

Scientific research institute of environmental problems

Organizing committee

Zh.K. Tuımebaev - Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, doctor of philological sciences, professor.

T.S. Ramazanov - Vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities of Al-Farabi KazNU, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, academician of the NAS RK

B.K. Zayadan - Dean of the faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Al-Farabi KazNU, doctor of biological sciences, professor, academician of the NAS RK

A.K. Sadvakasova - acting deputy Dean for scientific and innovative work and international relations, Al-Farabi KazNU, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor

Z.A. Inelova - deputy Dean for academic, methodological and educational work, Al-Farabi KazNU, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor

M.S. Kurmanbayeva - Head of the department of biodiversity and bioresources, Al-Farabi KazNU, doctor of biological sciences, associate professor

I.M. Zharkova - deputy head of the department for scientific and innovative activities and international cooperation, Al-Farabi KazNU, candidate of biological sciences, acting associate professor

K.T. Abidkulova - senior lecturer, department of biodiversity and bioresources, Al-Farabi KazNU

D.G. Faleev - senior lecturer, department of biodiversity and bioresources, Al-Farabi KazNU, candidate of biological sciences

L.N. Karasholakova - head of the department of science and commercialization of scientific projects, Zhetysu university, PhD

S.S. Almerekova - senior researcher of molecular genetics laboratory, Institute of plant biology and biotechnology, PhD

A.D. Serbyaeva - senior lecturer, department of molecular biology and genetics, Al-Farabi KazNU, PhD-student

A.E. Orazov - senior lecturer, department of biodiversity and bioresources, Al-Farabi KazNU, PhD-student


The Conference sections

The conference is planned in the following areas:

Section №1. Approaches to the conservation of plant biodiversity and bioresources.

Section №2. Trends in animal and microbial biodiversity.

Section №3. Actual problems of molecular biology and genetics.

Section №4. Biodiversity conservation trends for biomedicine and ecology.

Dates of the conference: November 26, 2021


Venue of the conference: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Library "Al-Farabi", 4th floor


Conference format: hybrid format (online and offline)


Official languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian and English


Conference registration fee

Based on the results of an expert assessment of the submitted articles, a proceeding of the conference materials will be published, which will be released in electronic and book formats. The cost of publishing in the proceeding of conference materials up to 3 pages is 3000 tenge, you can pay by post, bank, card transfer to the Abidkulova Karime Tulegenovna (Kaspi Gold) by phone number 8-701-620-70-40.


To participate in the conference, it is necessary by November 01, 2021, send the application form and the text of the presentations (article) in electronic form, in separate files in Word 2010 format, with the extension only doc or rtf, to the e-mail indicated below. E-mail subject: Conference - participant's full name - section number (example: Conference - V. Petrov - 1), the file is named by the name of the first author. If confirmation is not received within three days, please kindly duplicate the sending of documents.



The filled application form and the text of the presentations (article) please send to:


Section 1:

Orazov Aidyn, mobile: 8 707 662 4620, e-mail: orazov_aidyn@mail.ru

Section 2:

Karasholakova Lazzat, mobile: 8 702 257 5462, e-mail: karasholakova.lazzat@mail.ru

Section 3:

Serbayeva Akerke, mobile: 8 702 373 2848, e-mail: serbaeva.akerke@gmail.com

Section 4:

Dostemesova Anar, mobile: 8 708 520 8231, e-mail: anardostemesova@gmail.com








Application form


Full Name


Academic degree




Full name of the organization


Country, region, city


Address of organization


Phone (with city code)




Article (presentation) title




The proposed type of participation


Proposed section


Hotel reservation (yes / no)



Article Guidelines 


All materials submitted for publication must have both theoretical and practical value, as well as correspond to the topic of the selected section.


Materials submitted in compliance with the following requirements are accepted for publication:

In an article, the name of one author should be indicated first among the authors only 1 time.

  1.  Requirements for content

Material submitted for publication must be:

  • ·       relevant,
  • ·      
  • ·      
  1.  Requirements for registration

1.  The volume of the text is up to 3 pages.

2.  A4 page format, portrait orientation; indents: top, bottom, right and left - 20 mm.

3.  Microsoft Office WORD editor, font - Times New Roman. Size: title - 14 pt, uppercase, bold; the surname and initials of the authors - 14 pt, bold, italic; full names of organizations, e-mail - 12 pt, italics; abstract - 12 pt, italics; main text and bibliography - 14 pt, normal. Alignment: authors, title, organization name, word literature (in italics), annotations - centered; the main text of the article and the list of references - in width. Paragraph: indent 10 mm. Single line spacing.

5.  Formulas should be included in the text of the article using the formula editor built into WORD.

6.  Figures and tables (no more than two in any variation) should be inserted into the text. Duplication of the same data in tables and graphs is not allowed. Drawings and photos are only in black and white, and only in * jpg format with a resolution not less than 300 dpi. For inscriptions on figures use 12 pt font.



7.  References to literature in square brackets [1, 2] in the order of mentioning in the text.


For journal articles

1    Taipakova S.M., Bisenbaev A.K. Cloning and expression of cDNA of cellobiohydrolase CEL7A of the fungus Lentinula edodes in E. coli and characterization of the recombinant protein // Biotechnology: theory and practice. – 2011. – No. 2. – P.41-49.

For proceedings of conferences, abstracts, etc.

2     Bisenbaev A.K., Taipakova S.M. Cloning and expression of the gene of thermostable cellobiohydrolase I of the fungus L. edodes in yeast // VI Moscow International Congress Biotechnology: state and development prospects. - Moscow. – 2011. – P.293-294.

For monographs and books

3  Kuzhir T. D. Antimutagens and chemical mutagenesis in the higher eukaryotic system. - Minsk: Naukova Dumka. – 1999. – 263 p.

For abstracts and dissertations

4     Voronov M.G. Ecological and biological bases for increasing the efficiency of omul reproduction in the river. Selenge in modern conditions. – Diss................................ Cand. biol. sciences. – SPb., 1993.

– 180 p.


Schematic example of article formatting


  • ·        


  • ·         In the center are given:
    • o  
    • o   Full name of the institution represented by the author (with country and city). If the authors are from different institutions, then the correspondence between the author and the institution is established by superscripts, for example:


I.V. Ivanov 1, S.P. Krylov 2

1Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Kazakhstan, Almaty

2Institute for Combustion Problems, Kazakhstan, Almaty Email address of one of the authors.

Title of the article / abstract (bold)


  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·        
  • ·        
    • ·        
    • ·        




Presentation requirements:


1.  plenary presentations - 15 minutes

2.  Oral presentation in the section - 7 minutes

3.  Poster (poster presentation)



To the attention of the authors!


The organizing committee will carefully select articles for publication. The text of the submitted material must be carefully checked and must not contain spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. Materials that meet the specified requirements will be published.

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