Lecture: "Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism"

1 october, 2021

On September 29, the "Monitoring and Analysis Center" of the Public Development Department of Almaty held a lecture on the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism among students of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University College.

A member of the information and explanatory group of Almaty city, senior lecturer of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Kantarbayeva Zhanna Urinbasarovna, spoke at the meeting. The expert delivered a lecture on the topic "Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism".

The audience was told about the distinctive features of destructive religious movements, about psychological methods of recruitment in extremist and terrorist organizations. The Speaker also noted the importance of interfaith harmony for the preservation of public safety and prosperity of the state.

During the event, the participants received answers to their questions. This event was held at the proper level, the audience was satisfied